co A' Design Award and Competition - Profile: anna rita emili

Profile: anna rita emili

Home > Designer Profiles > anna rita emili
This is the public profile of anna rita emili, click here to view our interview with anna rita emili
About anna rita emili : The activity of altro_studio mainly addresses the new ways of living the house: temporary, flexible, transformable, mobile ways of living the house. Understanding the new needs of the individual, both on a functional and on a structural level, is what propels altro_studio in its research about new technologies (mainly automation) and new materials with particular reference to the problems of environmental sustainability.
altro_studio can take project starting form preliminary planner up to executive planner, and consider new technology and new materials as important instrument for contemporary good planner.
Designand art are good condition of lofe but important.....I think they can recapture an ethics, an ability to represent based on society’s new values but, above all, I think the different architectural cultures can recover the identity and critical thought that went lost with the phenomenon of globalisation. But that takes a lot of work.


Writer of technical texts Construction, fittings, housing

Owner of altro_studio. She graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at the University "La Sapienza" in Rome in 1990. She collaborated with Cristiano Toraldo di Francia-Superstudio and with Alessandro Anselmi . She is currently Researcher and Teaching Professor of Architectural Design at the School of Architecture and Design "E. Vittoria", University of Camerino.
She is also a chartered member of RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) of IAD worldwide (International Association of Design), of Pro-Arch and of IUVAS (Institute for Urban Variations and Architectural Systems).
She published articles and monographs of architectural topics. Her architectural projects have been published in several design books and architecture magazines, and she received various prizes and design awards.
Lastly, she is editor in chief of the architecture magazine Enter_vista and editor of the architecture magazine

Architectural planner Researcher in University of Camerino, Faculty of Architecture

2020 Interior disegn in Deruta street in Rome .Comm Sign.Beatrice Sole
2020 Project of Agro Romano:National Park.Comm. European project financing
2019 Cable car project and terminal bus in L’Aquila. Comm. European project financing with L’aquila administration
2019 Project of extention of Amaldi high school in Castelverde Rome. Comm QRE Rome
2018Project of interior design in Via Tuscolana, Rome Client Flamminio
2014 Recovery and reconstruction of residential building in L'Aquila, via S.Sisto, Client ATER, Italy
2014 Set-up project for Contemporary art gallery in Chigi Palace of Ariccia, Client START, Italy
2014 Project of mudular structure in courtyard of Chigi Palace of Ariccia.Client START,I taly
2014 Extension project of junior high scool (500sm) in Castelverde, Rome: Client Consorzio opera scomputo
2013 Realization of Modulo M. Modular wooden structure 64 sm. Client. Gandelli House, Turin, Italy
2013 Mud house. Experimental project
2012 Interior design for apartment in Lunigiana road, Rome. Client Sabatini.Italy
2012 Interior design for apartment in Chiana road, Rome. Client Damia. Italy
2011 Preliminary project of temporary structure about Louis Vuitton. Temporary structure in laminated plastic panels and wooden (50ms) with Sheila Ribeiro (artist) Client: Motaz Kabbani San Paulo, Brasil
2011 Project of Labyrinth House in Maltignano (AP).Ecological modular structure entirely in wooden and glass (81ms) Client Antonella Burzacchi, Italy
2011 Preliminary project of New Twizy station. Temporary modular flexible structure in steel, wooden and glass.Station for 16 Twizy car (150ms) Client: Renault SPA Paris. France
2010 Supersymmetrical House. Hanged structure in steel and composite material, containing internal large mirror (two levels 72ms).Study for experimental project
2010 Executive planning of ten house complex in Aurelia way in Rome.Client: Orsolini Group, Italy
2010 Construction of sigle family house in Palestrina.Client: Lidia Balducci, Italy
2010 Executive recovery planning of two houses block. client: ATER of L’Aquila, Italy
2010 Contruction of single house in Anguillara. House in concrete and sliding steel panels with ventilated roof and external walls in ardesia. House contains courtyard (350ms two levels) client: Saverio Terzigni Italy
2010 Reconstruction of house complex in Atri road, L’Aquila, Italy. Recostruction with biocompatible materials system Client: Edilcasa Italy

-2020 Tbilisi Architecture Biennial titled Meanwhile – COVID-19, Virtual Exhibition
17 oct-14 nov.
-2020 ICONIC Award Innovative Interior in Kölnischer Kunstverein Colonia, Germania ,bgennaio.
-2019 CITY-BRAND&TOURISM LANDSCAPE, Triennial of Milan, 19-20 june
-2019 Per una nuova città di fondazione in Open house at altro_studio, Roma 11-12 may
-2019 M_Village in Triennial of Milan, from 30/11/2018 to 10/02/2019.
-2019 Cubo Table in DIN-Design In 2019, 9-14 apri, Fuori salone, Milan ,
-2019 Rudery: proposal for new bridge of Genoa at Pinksummer, Contemporary Artm Genoa, 18 apri-15 june
-2018 Fattore umano, Open house 2018 Roma at altro_studio, 12-13 may.
-2018 Interarch XV World Triennial of Architecture, University of Architecture Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia 13-16 may
-2018 Inflatable house in International IX international Biennial of Landscape Architecture,Technical School Superior of Architecture of Barcelona, 29 sept 1 oct. Barcelona, Spain
-2018 M_Village in Ricostruzioni architettura, città e paesaggio nell’epoca delle distruzioni in Triennale of Milan 30 nov.10 feb Italy
-2018 Four of altro_studio projects in XV World Triennial of Architecture Sofia, 13 -16 may 2018 BUL
-2018 Some altro_studio’s projects in exhibition titled Opehouse in altro_studio office Rome 8-9 may
-2017 School of Rieti school in Scuole innovative exhibition at Fondazione Exclusiva, Rome 22-24 nov.
-2017 GreenGood Design Show, Design a batter world now, at Contemporary space Athens, 11-28 May Athens, Greece
-2017 Basic Cell at Salone del mobile Milan 4-8-april Italy
-2017 Openhouse in Rome at altro_studio office 6-7 May, Italy
-2016 Mo-ha Sheltering Humanity: Emergency-hosting proposals for people in the Mediterranean Sea
Exhibition Mohamet Ali’ s House 21 Oct. 15 Dec. , Kavala Greece
-2016 International VIII international Biennial of Landscape Architecture,Technical School Superior of Architecture of Barcelona, 29 sept 1 oct. Barcelona, Spain
-2016 Some altro_studio’s projects in exhibition titled Opehouse in altro_studio office Rome 7-8 may
.-2016 Inflatable house in exhibition titled “Los mejores disenos del mundo” in College of Architects of Cantabria, Santander Spain, 7 april 12 may
-2014 Stultifera navis International Biennial of Landscape Architecture,Technical School Superior of Architecture of Barcelona, 25 sept 11 oct Spain
-2014 Awarded Design Exhibition. Broletto of Como 19-24 aug, Italy
-2014 Time Space Existence, Made in Europe, Biennial of Venice, 5 giu-30 nov., Venice, Italy
-2014 Paradigma, in Interno 14_lo spazio dell'AIAC-Architecture and critic italian association, Rome 9 May. Italy
.2013 Architecture festival,Stabilimento OGR, Officine Grandi Riparazioni, Turin 30 mey-30 june. Italy
.-2013 Paradigma in Studiorossi, 7 sept-26 oct. Imperia, Italy
-2012 MOOD-Museum of Design, Como, 16 June, Italy
-2010 Mini Maousse 4, Citè D’Architecture & du patrimoine, Institut Francaise d'architecture Paris oct-dec. France
-2010 Architecture for Necessity Exhibition, Virserum Art Museum, 22 april Virserum, Sweden
-2009 Rising tides Ferry Building, San Francisco 14-19 july US

-2020 III National Convention of internal architecture, Congress Palace Naples 17|18 gen
-2020 meeting on-line titled Architettura e Critica del Presente. Manifesto Libri, 22 june
-2020 Convention on-line titled Decio Tozzi: Le architetture del Brutalismo paulista a cura di “archphoto”, 4 jul
-2019 Meeting titled “vv100” Vittoriano Vigano' centenary since birth, Emilio Battisti office , Viale Caldara Milan 13 dic
-2019 Convention titled Vittoriano Vigano principio del non finito come scelta di vita. cycle of lessons titled Storia di architetti e architetture Milan 9 may
-2019 Convention titled Città, Mura, Spazio pubblico, aula Ersoch , Architectural Department Roma3, Roma, 31 may
-2019 Convention titled Città mura spazio pubblico, Biennal of public space 23 may
-2019 lecture titled , Catastrofi naturali: meglio prevenire che combattere, Ordine degli Architetti PCC of Perugia , presso PAD.8 EXPO casa, 7 mar., Perugia
-2019 Convention titled Vittoriano Vigano principio del non finito come scelta di vita in Storia di architetti e architetture 9 may, Milan
-2019 Connvention titled Città mura spazio pubblico, ai Biennial of Public Space in Aula Magna Piazza Fontanella Borghese, 23 may Rome
-2019 Lecture titled, Catastrofi naturali: meglio prevenire che combattere, at PAD.8 EXPO House 7 mar Perugia
-2019 Convention titled Città mura spazio pubblico, at Biennial of Public Space in Dipertiment of architecure Roma3, Rome 31 may
-2017 Interview (as curator) titled 10 DOMANDE A: Paolo Desideri, at New Auditorium of Florence 14may
-2017 Curator of Franco Purini interview presentation in the Nutri-menti meeting at Barcone sul Tevere of Swimming Roman Society, 4may Rome
-2017 Report titled Lambertucci e il Neobriutalismo, dalla chiesa di Consalvi all’unità d’abitazione di Vigne Nuove. Conference days about Alfredo Lambertucci (1928-1996) Lecture hall of Faculty of Architecture “La Sapienza” of Rome 17 march
-2017 Report titled Architettura e catastrofe, un’operazione resiliente. Teorie of Architecture course Prof. Alessandra Capuano Faculty of Architecture “La Sapienza” of Rome 27 march
-2016 Organization of workshop titled Ferrovie per la cultura, nuovi nodi di accesso al Parco dell’Appia Antica, Faculty of Architecture “La Sapienza” of Rome . with Giuseppe Barbieri and Rosario Pavia 15-19 november
-2016 Report titled Architettura e catastrofe, at UrbanGenHome, convention, Sant’angelo Magno, Ascoli Piceno, 7/8 april
-2016 Convention titled Narrare, difendere, ricostruire territori in Invisible cities-Urban Multimedia Festival,25 may Kinemax, Gorizia, Room 3, Piazza Vittoria 41, Gorizia
-2016 Organization of weekly meetings titled I mercoledi dell’architettura in Rinascita Library, Ascoli Piceno
-2016 Organization of book’s presentation titled Utopia e Teoria, Inarch Lazio, Acer context, Rome 16 may
-2015 Organization of Workshop titled Una nuova porta urbana per L'Aquila, Faculty of Architecture, University “La Sapienza” of Rome
-2014 House of Architecture of Rome. Lesson titled Lina Bo Bardi and New Brutalism 25 november
-2014 Biennial of architecture of Venice. Lesson titled Utopia&Teoria (with Ludovico Romagni) 11 october
-2013 OGR, Officine Grandi Riparazion,Festival of Architecture of Turin. Conference titled Quale architettura per la catastrofe? Turin 30 may
-2013 nb:notabene library Lecture titled Un terremoto ci salverà, Bellezia road 12c, Turin 2 march
-2013 OAT Fondation, Architectural Professional Association of Turin. Workshop titled architecture for disaster, 1-3 march
-2012 Smith College Center Northampton Conference titled Liquid future in Massachusetts, U.S. 2 April
-2010 House of art and architecture. Presentation of New Brutalism research, in La tradizione del nuovo: de Brasil Arquitetura, Settimo Torinese, Italy
-2010 Rome Andersen. Museum Presentation of New Brutalism research, in Un omaggio all’architettura brasiliana, Rome Italy

-2020 International Residential Architecture Awards 2020
-2020 Design and Build Award-Most Innovative Architecture Research & Technology Studio 2020 UK
-2020 Best practice operator: italy (ACQ5 Country award) UK
-2019 Iconic Award, Innovative Architecture, German Design Council, Francoforte Germania.
-2019 M-Village in Global Future Design Award 2019 (architecture pressrelease) UK, Winner project
-2019 Iconic Award, Innovative Architecture, German Design council, Francoforte Germania Winner project
-2019 Global Future Design Award 2019 (architecture press release) Winner project , UK
-2019 ACQ5, Full service architectural firm , of the year. UK Award
-2019 Global Award , Gamechanger of the year, UK Design & Build Award ,
-2019 Most Outstanding in Contemporary Design & Architecture in the Design & Build Awards,
-2019 London International Creative Competition, , Londra UK Project obtains a honourable mention
-2018 Global Business Insight Award (leading innovative research company of the year) 28 July UK Design & Build Awards,
-.2018 M_Village Global Architecture and Design Awards (Rethinking The Future). Project obtains a honourable mention
-2018 Rethinkong the Future Global Architecture & Design Awards New Delhi 110092, INDIA, Third prize
-2018 INTERARC Competition Rome Italy Winner Project
-2018 ACQ5 Gamechngers 2018, building/infrastructure/industrial/construction London UK Design & Build Awards,
-2017 Concorso Scuole Innovative (INAIL e Ministero dell’Istruzione) Rome Italy Second Prize
-2017 10TH Annual IDA award Los Angeles, CA 90021 USA Project obtains a honourable mention
- 2017 Green Good Design competition. Chicago Ateneum. The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies, 
Dubln 2, Ireland 
 Winner project
-2017 Top50 award Build Magazine Award UK Winner project
-2016 Sheltering Humanity:Emergency-hosting proposals for people in the Mediterranean Sea.
Finalist project
-2016 Shivaji Competition, Islands, Deltas and Rising Seas, Delray Beach, Florida, US Finalist project
-2015 Prize titled DAC World's leading designer 2015-2016 # 20 Designer of the World (architecture building and structure design categoty)
-2015 R+ Designer Ranking Award 2015-2016 Best designers of the world
-2015 World Designer Ranking Award 2015 #11 Designers in Italy
-2015 A’Design International Competition, Italy, Winner project.
-2014 Rosa Barba Landscape Prize_8 Barcelona Spain, Finalist project
-2014 A’Design International Competition, Italy, Winner project.
-2014 Brutalist Facelift competition Latvia. Project obtains a honourable mention
- 2014 Lawn house in Buckminster fuller challenge Competition Project was selected and published in Idea index in Buckminster Fuller Institute website, US
-2012 A’Design Competition, Italy, Winner project.
-2011 Project of Twizy Station: France. Modular flexible structure in steel and glass for 16 Twizy car
(150ms) Call for tender by Renault Paris, France
-2010 Project of lawn house, in Buckminster fuller challenge Competition. Project was selected and publisched

-2020 La Radicale Trasformazione di un Appartamento anni Cinquanta a Roma, article of O Correnti in Homify 3 nov
-2020 Fractal Village in article titled Italian Ingenuity in Build Q1/2020 pag 51 UK
-2020 Pierced Architecture in Il Progetto di una Casa a Corte: l'Architettura come Forma Artistica,
(article of O.Correnti) in “Homify” 23 june Italy
-2020 Bunker house e Well House in Cinque temi del ModernoContemporaneo Memoria, natura, Energia, comunicazione, catastrofe of Alessandra Capuano Quodlibet Macerata p 441-456 Italy
-2020 M_Village in Progettazione di Complessi Abitativi in Caso di Catastrofe, of F.Bruno in Homify 27 may. Italy
-2019 Nicolai house In Innovative architecture, German Design Council, Frankfurt ISBN 978-3-946318-49-1 pp.434-435 Germany
-2019 Inflatable house in Estudio de diseño italiano crea una casa inflavel resistente a l’agua y al
fuego, in “Asociacion Argentina do pvc”,ISBN 978-84-15-492-34-4 Buenos Aires, República Argentina
-2019 M-Village and bunker house in, social Media Analyzer US
-2019 Inflatable house , in Four social impact winners of A' Design Awards, “Design Indaba”, a
better world through creativity, Cape Town, South Africa.
-2019 Some projects in “” The Netherland
-2019 M_Village in “”, The Netherland
-2019 Progetti “La Repubblica”, 30 may, pag 11
-2019 Progetti in “Metro” year IV, 11 june, pag 17
-2019 Casa Nicolai in Build Q2, pp. 46-47, London UK
-2019 Progetti altro_studio in “La Repubblica” 24 may., pag 14
-2018 Ricerca altro studio in “GC Magazine” n,18, pag 40, London UK
-2018 altro_studio nomination in BUILD Q1, pag 42,43, Jess Daykin Ed. London, (UK)
-2018 Inflatable house in Tomorrow landscape, Interantional Biennial of landscpe architecture, EdGroup Paysage, Milan, Italy pag314
-2018 Project if School in Rieti in Scuole Innovative (INAIL) Rome, Italy, pp120-126,
-2017 Holiday living unit in Sentina in Green Good Design 2016/2017 Chicago Illinois (US) ISBN 0 935119-59
-2017 Casa a Castello, casa in via Lunigiana, La dimora del fuori in BBeyond, DesignScapes, London, WC2N 5NG, UK
-2017 Architecture Pierced e Casa a Castello in BUILD Mag. June ,pp.74-77, London UK
-2017 Gra Mirroring city, in Utopie praticabili, ipertesti metropolitan, Gangemi Ed. Rome Italy
-2016 Infinite modular structure in. Architecture and culture n.421, pp.30-45, Seoul Korea
-2015 Casa Gonfiabile Temporal Architecture n.07 pp.241-242, ISBN 9781938740107 Evolo US,
-2015-Minimum Post Disaster Dwelling, in A’ Design Award–Industrial 2015. Award Winning Product Design, di Onur M. Cobanli, Designer Press, p.93, ISBN 9788897977339. Como, Italy
-2015 House in Castello, House with three patio, in Detail 360, DE 813334479. München, Germany
-2014 Lawn House, in Biennial Versus Biennial. Catalogue of the 7th European Landscape Biennial Paysage,p.313, ISBN 9788890758324. Milan, Italy
-2014 Absolute box e Mmodule, in A’ Design Award–Spatial. Award Winning Spatial Design, di Onur M. Cobanli, Designer Press, p.310, ISBN 9788897977070. Como, Italy
-2014 Bunker House, in Time Space Existence. Made in Europe. La Biennale di Venezia, Texts by the authors, Global Art Affairs Foundation,pp.22-23, ISBN 9789490784157 The Nederland
-2013 ModuloM in Un alloggio sostenibile per affrontare disastro in Alias 18 maggio ( Il Manifesto), Italy
-2013 Bunker house in Aspettando le catastrofi in Il Giornale dell'architettura n.114, Italy
-2013 altro_studio projects in article titled Resistenti ma leggere, ecco le case temporanee firmate dagli architetti di altro_studio, in Il Sole24ore, Milan, Italy
-2013 Modulo M, in Acciaio Arte Architettura, n. 55 September, Erica Gaggiato, pp.18-27, ISSN 1970335X. Treviso, Italy
-2013 Absolute box in Architettura e catastrofe Opere n.33, dec, Florence, Italy
-2013 Inflatable House, in Inflatable: Art, Architecture & Design, di Jacopo Krauel, Linksbook,pp.272-273, ISBN 9788415492344. Barcelona, Spain,
-2012 Inflatable House, in Architecture & Costrution in Plastic, di Dimitris Kottas, Linksbooks, p.134-137, ISBN 9788415123248 Barcelona, Spain
-2012 Bunker House, in Nuevo Arq./ Arq. Oculta, Respuestas para nuevos territorios, in RARA, n. 07 April/May/Giu, di Erick Mazariegos, Città del Guatemala, Guatemala, p. 29.
-2012 The Abode of the Outside, in A’ Design Award Winning Entries 2011-2012, di Onur M. Cobanli, Designer Press, p.245.ISBN 9788897977001 Como, Italy
-2012 Lawn House, in Biennial Versus Biennial. Catalogue of the 7th European Landscape Biennial of Paysage, p.313,ISBN 9788890758324 Milan, Italy
-2011 Bunker House, in Visions of the Future Architecture of 21 Century, di Marta Serrats, LOFT Publications, pp.540-547, ISBN 9788499361024. Barcelona, Spain
-2011 Inflatable House, in Maisons en kit. Collection architecture, di C. Vergnot-Kriegel, C. Merlino, É. Delprat, Alternativs, pp.78-81, ISBN 9782862276441, Paris, France
-2011 Lawn House/La Maison Pelouse, in Maisons en kit. Collection architecture, di C. Vergnot-Kriegel, C. Merlino, É. Delprat, Alternativs, pp.86-87, ISBN 9782862276441. Paris, France
-2011 Bunker House, in International Competition, di Hu Jiasi, Design Media Publishing Limited, pp.326-329, ISBN 9789881973849 Hong Kong, China
-2010 Infinite Modular Structure, in Public Landscape, di Xing Rihan, H. K. Rihan Int’l Cultuture Spread Limited, pp.288-293, ISBN 9789881875822 Hong Kong, China
-2010 Lawn House, in A Small Example of Eco-friendly Design, in Space Magazine, n. 511 June,
ISSN 12282472. Seoul, Korea
-2010 Inflatable House, Prototype 2002, in Om vi vill. If we want to!, di Henrik Teleman, Virserums Konsthall p103, ISBN 9789197886109. Virserums Sweden
-2010 Lawn House, in Archi Petit: Concours de micro architecture, Mini Maousse 2009-2010, Fiona Meadows, Alternatives,p.65, ISBN 9782862276564 Paris, France
-2010 Inflatable house in, article titled Arte e spazio pubblico XXI sec. (A. Zevi)
-2010 Inflatable House, in Atlas of world interiors, di WU Yang, Design Media Publishing Limited, p.440, ISBN 9789881950802. Hong Kong, China
-2010 GRA–Mirrorring City, in New Concept Architecture I, di Xing Rihan, H. K. Rihan Int’l Culture Spread Limited, Hong Kong, China, 2010, p.278, ISBN 9789881875853
-2010 Holiday living unit in Sentina, in New Concept Architecture II, di Xing Rihan, H. K. Rihan Int’l Culture Spread Limited, pp. 214-217, ISBN 9789881875815 Hong Kong, China
-2010 Bunker House, in New Concept Architecture II, di Xing Rihan, H. K. Rihan Int’l Culture Spread Limited, pp. 156-159, ISBN 9789881875815 Hong Kong, China
-2010 The Absolute Box, Lawn House, in Minimum dwelling spaces, di Eduard Broto, Links, pp.216-225, ISBN 9788496969773 Barcellona, Spain
-2010 Absolute box, Pierced architecture, in Detail 360, DE 813334479 München, Germany

-2021 Monograph Paolo portoghesi Chiesa di , La Chiesa dei SS. Cornelio e Cipriano
a Calcata , with Ludovico Romagni . Publication of n. 05 of Enter_Vista, 80 pag, Ed. plug_in, Genoa ISBN 978-8895459-36-3
-2021 Monograph titled Enrico Molteni casa per un regista, with Ludovico Romagni . Publication of n. 04 of Enter_Vista, 80 pag, Ed. plug_in, Genoa ISBN 978-8895459-36-3
-2021 Publication titled Il Brutalismo paulista, l’Architettura brasiliana tra teoria e progetto. Monograph
350 pages. Ed. Manifesto libri, Rome ISBN 9791280124029
-2020 Monograph titled Cristiano Toraldo di Francia/superstudio, with Ludovico Romagni . Publication of n. 00 of Enter_Vista, 80 pag, Ed. plug_in, Genoa ISBN 978-8895459-36-3
-2020 Monograph titled Franco Purini, L’Eurosky Tower of Rome, with Ludovico Romagni . Publication of n.01 di Enter_Vista, 80 pag, Ed.cplug_in, Genoa ISBN 978-8895459-39-4
-2020 Monograph titled Paolo Desideri/ABDR, Il nuovo teatro dell’opera di Firenze, with Ludovico Romagni . Publication of n.02 of Enter_Vista 80 pag, Ed. plug_in, Genoa ISBN 978-8895459-38-7
-2016 Utopia e teoria, dalle Neoavanguardie alla contemporaneità, Quodlibet, Macerata, 144 pages ISBN 978-88-74627899
-2014 Mobilità Elettrica Plug-In, Genoa, 124 pages, ISBN 988-889545-9202
-2014 altro_studio from the temporary house to the living unit (vol II) Plug in, Genoa,119 pages ISBN 978-889545-9165
-2011 Architettura estrema, il Neo Brutalismo alla prova della contemporaneità, Quodlibet Macerata, 124 pages, ISBN 978-887462-3754
-2008 Pure and simple, the architectur of New Brutalism, Ed Kappa Rome, 255 pages, ISBN 978-88-7890-8888
-2005 altro_studio, from the temporary house to the living unit, Kappa Rome 216 pages ISBN 978-88-7890.6266
-2003 Richard Buckminster Fuller e le Neoavanguardie, Monograph of 300 pagine, Ed. Kappa Rome, ISBN 978-88-7890-4927.
-1999 La copertura/tema architettonico, Monograph of 144 pages, Ed Diagonale, Rome, ISBN 990-00-030-0001-8

Books that contains altro_studio projects
-2020 Bunker house e Well House in Cinque temi del ModernoContemporaneo Memoria, natura, Energia, comunicazione, catastrofe of Alessandra Capuano Quodlibet Macerata p 441-456 Italy
-2020 M_Village in Progettazione di Complessi Abitativi in Caso di Catastrofe, of F.Bruno in Homify 27 may. Italy
-2019 Nicolai house In Innovative architecture, German Design Council, Frankfurt ISBN 978-3-946318-49-1 pp.434-435 Germany
-2018 Inflatable house in Tomorrow landscape, Interantional Biennial of landscpe architecture, EdGroup Paysage, Milan, Italy pag314
-2018 Project if School in Rieti in Scuole Innovative (INAIL) Rome, Italy, pp120-126,
-2017 Holiday living unit in Sentina in Green Good Design 2016/2017 Chicago Illinois (US) ISBN 0 935119-59
-2017 Casa a Castello, casa in via Lunigiana, La dimora del fuori in BBeyond, DesignScapes, London, WC2N 5NG, UK
-2017 Architecture Pierced e Casa a Castello in BUILD Mag. June ,pp.74-77, London UK
-2017 Gra Mirroring city, in Utopie praticabili, ipertesti metropolitan, Gangemi Ed. Rome Italy
-2016 Infinite modular structure in. Architecture and culture n.421, pp.30-45, Seoul Korea
-2015 Casa Gonfiabile Temporal Architecture n.07 pp.241-242, ISBN 9781938740107 Evolo US,
-2015-Minimum Post Disaster Dwelling, in A’ Design Award–Industrial 2015. Award Winning Product Design, di Onur M. Cobanli, Designer Press, p.93, ISBN 9788897977339. Como, Italy

2014 Lawn house in European Biennial of Landscape architecture catalogue, Barcelona, Spain,
2014 Inflatable house in Inflatable, Art Architecture&Design Linksbook, Barcelona Spain
2014 Absolute box and modulo M in A Design Award&Competition,Como, Italy
2014 Inflatable house in Plastic, Architecture&Contruction, Linksbook, Barcelona Spain
2014 Bunker house in Time space existence, Made in Europe, in La Biennial of Venice, Venice, Italy
2013 Modulo M in Un alloggio sostenibile per affrontare disastro in Alias 18 may (newspaper of Il Manifesto), Italy
2013 Bunker house in Aspettando le catastrofi in Il giornale dell'architettura n.114, Italy
2013 altro_studio projects in article titled Resistenti ma leggere, ecco le case temporanee firmate dagli architetti di altro_studio, in Il Sole24ore, Milan, Italy
2013 Modulo M in Acciaio Arte Architettura n. 55, september, Treviso, Italy
2013 Absolute box in Architettura e catastrofe in Opere n.33, december, Florence, Italy
2012 The abode of the outside in A Design Award&Competition, Como Italiy
2012 Bunker house in RARA, Arte Arquitectura, n.07, Ciudad de Guatemala,
2012 Bunker house in Vision of future, Architecture of 21 Century, pp.540-547, Barcelona, Spain
2011 C.Vergnot-Kriegel, C.Merlino,E.Delprat, lnflatable house in Maison en kit, pp.78-81, Paris, France
2011 C.V.Kriegel, C.Merlino,E.Delprat, lawn house, la maison pelouse in Maison en kit, pp.86-87, Paris, France
2010 Lee Joo-Jeon, E Small example of eco-friendly Design, in Space Magazine n.511, pag 15, Korea
2010 Hu Jiasi, Bunker house in International Competition, pp.326- 329, HK China
2010 H.Teleman, Nodvandighetens askitektur, in Om vi vill, pp.102-103, Virserum, Sweden
2010 A.R.Emili Infinite modular structure/altro_studio, in Public Landscape, 288-293, HK, China
2010 F. Meadow, Petit mais Alternatif, Green in Archi Petit, pp.62-71, Paris, France
2010 Wu Jang, Inflatable house in Atlas of World Interiors, pag.440, Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China
2010 Xing Rihan, Holiday living unit in Sentina, in Concept Architecture II, pp.214-219,Hong Kong, China
2010 Xing Rihan, GRA mirroring city in Concept Architecture I, pp.278-279, Hong Kong, China
2010 X. Rihan Bunker house in Concept Architecture II, pp.156-159, Hong Kong, Rihan China,
2010 Eduard Broto, Absolute box, in Minimum Dwelling Spaces, pp.216-221, ed.Links Barcelona, Spain
2010 Eduard Broto, Lawn house in Minimum Dwelling Spaces,pp.221-225, ed.Links Barcelona, Spain
2009 M.Henning, Well city in eVolo housing for the 21st century, pp.104-106, New York, US
2009 V.Pirazzini, plug_in laboratorio di architettura e arti multimediali, in d’Architettura n. 37, pp.130-135 Milan, Italy
2009 Pierced Architecture in AI Mag. Architecture of Israel, Tel Aviv n.72, Israel
2009 A.R.Emili Holiday living unit in Sentina, in Skyscraper for the XXI Century,pp.60-61,New York, US
2009 Truby Chiaiviello, Italian Architects today in America in Primo, for and about italian americans, Apr-may, Washington, US

English (Near Native), French (near native), Spanish (Pre-Intermediate)

Adobe photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, HTML, QuarkXPress, Autocad, 5dplanner, GBG

2013 OAT Fondation, Architectural Professional Association of Turin. Workshop titled architecture for disaster, 1-3 march

2014 House of Architecture of Rome. Lesson titled Lina Bo Bardi and New Brutalism 25 november
2014 Biennial of architecture of Venice. Lesson titled Utopia&Teoria (with Ludovico Romagni) 11 october
2013 OGR, Officine Grandi Riparazion,Festival of Architecture of Turin. Conference titled Quale architettura per la catastrofe? Turin 30 may
2013 nb:notabene library Lecture titled Un terremoto ci salverà, Bellezia road 12c, Turin 2 march
2012 Smith College Center Northampton Conference titled Liquid future in Massachusetts, U.S. 2 April
2010 House of art and architecture. Presentation of New Brutalism research, in La tradizione del nuovo: de Brasil Arquitetura, Settimo Torinese, Italy
2010 Rome Andersen. Museum Presentation of New Brutalism research, in Un omaggio all’architettura brasiliana, Rome Italy
2009 Viterbo Orsini Palace, Presentation of Architectural research, Bomarzo, Italy
2009. Baruchello Foundation . Lecture in landscape lesson, Rome Italy
2009 Santa Verdiana Faculty of Architecture of Florence. Lecture titled: Richard Buckminster Fuller: una ricerca al servizio dell’umanità, Italy

Art, music, cinema,

Ater of L'Aquila, Gandelli group, Renault,



2012-01-17 09:38:39



Awards received by anna rita emili

The Abode of The Outside Temporary House

A' Design Award Winner for Architecture, Building and Structure Design Category in 2011
anna rita emili
Mmodule Post Disaster House

A' Design Award Winner for Architecture, Building and Structure Design Category in 2013
altro_studio for Altro_studio
Absolute Box Small House Post Disaster

Silver A' Design Award Winner for Architecture, Building and Structure Design Category in 2013
Anna Rita Emili for altro_studio for Altro-Studio
Inflatable House Post Disaster House

Silver A' Design Award Winner for Social Design Category in 2014
altro_studio for Altro_studio

Runner-Up status designs by altro_studio

Mudhouse Future House

Runner-Up for Futuristic Design Category in 2012
anna rita emili for Altro_studio
Lawn House Temporary Sustainable Small House

Runner-Up for Architecture, Building and Structure Design Category in 2014
anna rita emili for Altro_studio
Checkhouse Self-Sufficient House Private House

Runner-Up for Architecture, Building and Structure Design Category in 2023
anna rita emili for Altro_studio

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