The competition is; open to participation from local and international companies, open to participation from local and international individuals, open to students and professionals, open to awarded works, open to previously published works, open to teams, open to companies. Any individual, group or business will qualify. Designers, students and professional individuals can only submit their own designs. Independent participants and designers do not need to have a patent to submit works and previously patented designs can also be submitted. Entrants may be individuals, teams or companies. Companies, on the other hand, have to own the intellectual property rights or patents of the relevant works and designs for submission. Companies can submit designs with the relevant list of designers only; anonymous submissions from companies are denied. Companies have to write down a list of people that took part in the design process, there is no limit on the list. There is no age limit for joining the competition however entrants must have a legal representative if they are under legal age. Products already in mass production are eligable. New concept design stage products and designs created specifically for the competition are eligable. Prototypes are eligable. Non-professional designers and students from non-design fields are also eligable for the competition. There is not a restriction on the country of origin of the participants. Designs can be in hand-made / manual sketches, renderings, blue-prints, technicals and in any media that makes sense. There is not a restriction on how designers express their designs however there is a pre-defined format for submissions.
Restrictions based on Age of Entries
Entries are suggested to be realized or designed in the last 10 years to take part in the competition, however this is not a hard restriction; we will accept your entry if it is older than 10 years. However if you have a design that is older than 10 years, you can and should indeed submit it to our "Retro / Evergreen / Creative Legacy Design Award" Category which is a unique category that allows participation of older works.
Military designs and weapons are especially ineligible. Companies employing the winning entrants will not be credited if the design is submitted under individual category, but when a company wins, the designers will be credited. Staff and immediate family members of the Organizer; A'Design Award and Competition, OMC Design Studios, Salone del Designer and Company Sponsors are not eligable to participate in the primary competitions, however the "Custom Competitions" organized by companies are open to everyone except only the jury members and their relatives or collaborators. Prizes are non-transferable and will only be awarded to the person whose name matches the entry. Although an entrant can submit as many design as they please, a particular design can only be submitted up to five times in different years. It is very important to have legal rights to the works you are submitting; you might be the designer of a product; but if you have sold your production rights to another company, you should first consider getting a permission as the images will be published on the books after the design competition.
Entry works that violate the proceeding conditions shall be disqualified; Entries that infringe on intellectual or industial property rights will be disqualified. Participants shall be liable for claims by third parties resulting from the infringement. Previously patented designs; even if the patent has expired are not eligable and will be disqualified (i.e. you cannot submit works based on expired patents of others). The Organiser shall not be held responsible for any infringement. The entry must not have the same or a very similar design to any work announced to the public before. The entry must not violate copyrights, patents and other related rights of other registered products. Designs that create hatred or violate law in any way are disqualified. If a violation is discovered after the selection process, the applicant will lose all his/her rights to the competition. The designs should appear anonymous; there should not be any marks on the submitted designs displaying the name of an entrant, his or her school or firm or logo, or any other symbol that could identify the entrant. There is a very high risk of disqualification if you write anything on images (all the text should be submitted through the submission interface), if you need to communicate your design more, you might use the "optional" images. |