Free Poster of A' Design Competition and Award
If you would like to promote this contest, please fill our form to get a free poster of A' Design Award and Competitions. You can post our poster to bulletin boards to promote the contest to your students, fellow classmates, club members, institutional colleagues or company associates.
Suggest A Winner, Be A Winner
Do you know a talent that could be a winner? Suggest him/her, if she/he is a winner you will win one of the official T-shirts of Museum of Design or A'Prime Design Award and Competition. Please check award levels to see who is considered a winner. TIP: Please note that maximum one T-shirt will be send for each winner, so it is better to suggest talents that are less known.
Duel for Creativity
Duel a designer or brand for creativity, invite them to join the design award and if they win or lose the awards after the nomination process, you will get a free digital edition nomination ticket to enroll your own work to the design competition for award consderation. Invite to creative duels now!. |