Yoshiaki Tanaka Warm Transparency Clinic
Warm Transparency Clinic is Golden Design Award winner in 2019 - 2020 Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award Category.
Warm Transparency Clinic

Conventionally, a hospital tends to be a space that has poor natural color or material due to artificial structure material to improve the functionally and the efficiency. Therefore, patients feel that they are being apart from their daily life. A consideration for a comfortable environment where patients can spend and free from stress, should be taken. TSC architects provide an open, comfortable space by setting an L-shaped open ceiling space and the large eaves by using a plenty of wood material. The warm transparency of this architecture connects people and medical services.

Warm Transparency Clinic
Yoshiaki Tanaka Warm Transparency
Yoshiaki Tanaka Clinic
Yoshiaki Tanaka design
Yoshiaki Tanaka design
Yoshiaki Tanaka

TSCアーキテクツは、住宅や病院の設 に従事する多くのデザインオフィス す。TSCアーキテクトの信念は、設計 された建物が街並みを作り出す要因 して外観を担当し、建物を使用する 々のための快適な空間を作り出すと いうことです。その信念を永続させ ために、TSCアーキテクトは、建物と 光の関係、建物と緑の関係、建物の 文脈に合った材料の選択の3つを大切 しています。つまり、TSCアーキテク トは、建築の境界と人々の活動との 係を考慮したアーキテクチャを作成 ます。TSCアーキテクツは、「意味の あるデザイン」の集積を伴う「ワン&a mp;オンリー」の建物を作る建築設計 務所です。

TSC Architects

The client requested a clinic where we can feel warmth of wood. We tried to achieve a clinic that has "Warm transparency" by using a plenty of wood material for both the interior and exterior material. TSC Architects Commitment to design Hospital. There have deep relationship a person and architecture ,it is said the necessaries of life. I think, I want to create a building that makes people happy, such as eat a delicious meal and to wear clothes feeling better. To that end, we believe that it is important to grasp the locality of the premises that make up the cityscape, and to make a meaningful design that comes from client dialogue. I think that if the building is beautiful, naturally blends into the surrounding environment and becomes a special one for people, the relationship between people and architecture will be better.