Emese Orbán ConcreteCube Decorative Concrete
ConcreteCube Decorative Concrete is Iron Design Award winner in 2016 - 2017 Street Furniture Design Award Category.
ConcreteCube Decorative Concrete

Within this project, Emese Orbán experimented with molds made of various materials and besides, she mixed the concrete with other materials. The designer also wanted to create unconventional surfaces, as well as to paint the concrete in disparate ways. She tried to answer the following questions. In what extent could one modify the concrete that the material would still keep its characteristics? Is concrete just a grey, cold and hard material? The designer concluded that the characteristics of concrete can be changed and, therefore, new material qualities and impressions arise.

ConcreteCube Decorative Concrete
Emese Orbán ConcreteCube
Emese Orbán Decorative Concrete
Emese Orbán design
Emese Orbán design
Emese Orbán

Emese Orbán is a young designer based in Stockholm, Sweden. She got her Bachelor's degree in Industrial Design Engineering in Budapest University of Technology and Economics and her Master’s degree in Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest, Hungary.

Emese Orbán

Emese Orbán is a young designer in Budapest, Hungary. She got her Bachelor's degree in Industrial and Product Design in Budapest University of Technology and Economics and she is currently pursuing her Master’s degree at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest, Hungary.