Street Furniture Design Award 2024
Street Furniture Design Award is open to entries of products and projects including but not limited to street furniture design, city furniture innovation, benches, bike racks, bus stops, litter bins, bollards, signage systems, public seating, outdoor lighting, playground equipment, public art installations, wayfinding systems, tree grates, drinking fountains, public toilets, picnic tables, outdoor fitness equipment, planters, interactive installations, pedestrian barriers, public shelters, digital kiosks, solar-powered furniture, urban landscape elements, tactile paving, public charging stations Nominate your Street Furniture Design now.
Street Furniture Design Award 2024

A' Design Awards is pleased to announce that the A' Street and City Furniture Design Award is open for nomination of street furniture designs right now for the 2024 design award and competition. Submit your street furniture design now for a preliminary score.

Nueve Bike Rack
Featured Work : Nueve Bike Rack
Kavics Concrete Bench
Featured Work : Kavics Concrete Bench
Tulpi-seat Chair
Featured Work : Tulpi-seat Chair
Rebirth Public Seats
Featured Work : Rebirth Public Seats
Tulpi-bin Waste bin
Featured Work : Tulpi-bin Waste bin
Award for Street Furniture Design

The A' Street and City Furniture Design Award is open to entries by Street Furniture Designers, Industrial Design Studios, Street Furniture Brands, Street Furniture Manufacturers, Urban Planners, Landscape Architects, Public Space Designers, City Development Agencies, Design Consultants, Industrial Designers, Architects, Artists, Civil Engineers, Material Science Specialists, Outdoor Lighting Designers, Street Furniture Innovation, Consultancy, Research and Development Companies worldwide. Enter your work today to highlight Outstanding Furniture.