Angela Spindler Jacobs Coffee Coffee Beans
Jacobs Coffee Coffee Beans is Platinum Design Award winner in 2014 - 2015 Packaging Design Award Category.
Jacobs Coffee Coffee Beans

This packaging is unique as it takes a conventional coffee bag and places a box style lid over the top to deliver a flat surface providing both functional stackability and large format space for branding and product differentiation. The lid itself employs winged engineering to hold it in place. The wings reverse fold up against the side panels and then catch in place in the fold of the bag thus ensuring the lid can not slip off. It provides the consumer with strong brand messaging and product differentiation defined by a distinctive colour and numbering system.

Jacobs Coffee Coffee Beans
Angela Spindler Jacobs Coffee
Angela Spindler Coffee Beans
Angela Spindler design
Angela Spindler design
Depot Creative Pty Ltd

We're an award winning agency who believe in the power of design to create effective brands. When it comes to your brand we believe you have two choices; risk the unusual or settle for the ordinary. From start ups to multinationals we're always seeking to connect with those who share our philosophy that the biggest risk in no risk at all. We have over 25 years industry experience and our core expertise is in packaging design, both structural and packaging. The markets we work in are beverage, kids, housewares, health and beauty.