Showven Showven Maiman Laser
Showven Maiman Laser is Iron Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Product Engineering and Technical Design Award Category.
Showven Maiman Laser

Showven Maiman series full color RGB lasers with double-layer structure design. IP65 rated enclosure ensures it can be used without a protective cover even in the rain. A whole die casting molding makes it robust and sturdy and lighter than traditional products. External dimming bracket, easy angle adjustment device and other convenient features will give you a great user experience. Pure diode light sources guarantee higher reliability and smaller beam divergence angles. Equipped with a safety switch key, remote E-stop function, etc. ensure safety and controllability.

Showven Maiman Laser
Showven Showven Maiman
Showven Laser
Showven design
Showven design

This is a very interesting and creative team and company. They are dedicated to creating innovative stage effects products to support creators, directors, and actors in creating a great show together. But now there are too many of the same products and they want to go for something different and that's where their innovation comes from.That's why they have created so many products, such as sparkular, flamer, log, confetti, laser, etc.With the Core values of Innovation, Quality, Service, they work with many partners to serve 100+ countries worldwide.


Our innovation journey starts from 2015, with the invention of SPARKULAR®, world’s first spark machine that perfectly replaces traditional fireworks gerb. Since then on, our innova- tion have been continuously introduced one after another, we invented the SPARKUALR® Cyclone, 10m sparks effects; SPARKULAR® JET which again a never seen special effects machine to replaces traditional fireworks jet. The first flame thrower with 360 degree rotat- able nozzles CIRCLE FLAMER X-F3600; The first standalone flamer with effects upto 20m uFlamer Max. The first dedicated special effects console FXcommander® for professionals to control both DMX and PYRO simultaneously, which brings the control of special effects to a next level safety. For better technology breakthrough and bring more innovated solutions to this industry, we established an R&D team with 35 talented engineers, invest 10% of our turnover in R&D every year. And we obtained 1 US patent, 2 EU patents, 1 AU patent and hundreds of patents in China. In SHOWVEN®, we established a dedicated QUALITY department, introduced strict quality control process from product design, raw material supply to production, testing and pack- age to ensure high quality product supply. For better SERVICE our customer and meet the growing market demand, we invested in the construction of a 34000㎡ industrial park in 2021, which is by far the world’s largest facility dedicated in special effects industry. In SHOWVEN®, we care about environment and pursue sustainable development; we care about the well-being of our staff; and we listening to our customer, collecting market demand and keeping improve our products. Together with our global partner we will sparks up your show in every corner of the world.