Yuki Yamada Saimyo Temple Religious Institution
Saimyo Temple Religious Institution is Bronze Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award Category.
Saimyo Temple Religious Institution

The building is located on the grounds of a temple in Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture. The design emphasizes horizontal elements. It features two roofs of different heights, creating a sense of height and volume. Creating a sense of volume seamlessly integrates the design into the surrounding environment. With its spectacular views and fresh breezes, the temple is a peaceful space for prayer and meditation in a spacious glass walled room where one can enjoy the beautiful surroundings.

Saimyo Temple Religious Institution
Yuki Yamada Saimyo Temple
Yuki Yamada Religious Institution
Yuki Yamada design
Yuki Yamada design
Yuki Yamada

Architect Yuki Yamada resides and operates in Okayama, Japan. Japanese architecture has a rich tradition of utilizing natural materials, with wooden structures being especially favored due to their appeal and endurance. Yamada aims to design warm and inviting spaces that showcase the unique allure of wood and the beauty and comfort of traditional Japanese architectural style. His belief as an architect is that it is important to design buildings that can make the lives of his clients comfortable and happy.

Akatuki Architect Office Co.

Akatuki Architect Office Co. is located in Kurashiki, Okayama, Japan. This office specializes in designing houses and clinics and has a great reputation for revitalizing old buildings, particularly shrines and temples.