FOURDIGIT Inc. Aeon Wallet Comprehensive Financial App
Aeon Wallet Comprehensive Financial App is Bronze Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Mobile Technologies, Applications and Software Design Award Category.
Aeon Wallet Comprehensive Financial App

Aeon Wallet is a comprehensive financial service provided by Aeon Group, a massive conglomerate with 17,900 stores and 9 trillion yen in sales. It has 48.24 million credit card members and offers various financial services as an integrated company. Aeon Wallet has a simple and easy-to-understand design that anyone can use. By suggesting the essential needs according to the user's context, they are provided with a personalized experience. We have built a financial service that allows users to conveniently get the information they really need.

Aeon Wallet Comprehensive Financial App
FOURDIGIT Inc. Aeon Wallet
FOURDIGIT Inc. Comprehensive Financial App
FOURDIGIT Inc. design
FOURDIGIT Inc. design

FOURDIGIT is a professional partner that delivers digital design linking businesses with users, and works alongside our customers in service creation, DX, and digital initiatives. It offers a wide range of design services, including experience design for new digital services and products, support for the digitalization of organizations and companies, and the creation and operation of digital tools for branding and marketing.

Aeon Financial Service Co., Ltd.

The AEON Group is a pure holding company that comprises 8 businesses. It generates balanced growth and is Japan’s largest retail group. AEON Financial Service is responsible for the AEON Group’s Financial Services Business. AEON Financial Service is a comprehensive financial group with roots in the retail sector, we operate in Japan and 10 other countries/regions in Asia.