This design has eye-catching colors. The use of old design patterns and different colors and well-known characters of England, which are depicted in a minimal way, and each of them has different stories to tell, are among the features of this design collection. It is as if the characters are telling a story and looking for something. The designs are such that it represents the brand name and its country. Next to the packaging, the type of product and its contents are depicted directly.
Mohsen Koofiani is a designer, illustrator, and character designer whose academic achievements are painting. He has a great imagination and loves details, so he tries to refer to them in all his designs and ideas. Mohsen is an idea maker and likes to create an imaginary world for his friends. Loves peace and tranquility. Packaging design for food is one of his specialties and he has many ideas in this field. She loves cartoons and childish fantasy worlds and loves daydreaming.
the BIG N BEN is passionate about delivering top-notch products and services to our customers. they believe in quality, innovation, and exceptional customer service, and strive to make a positive impact in the lives of those we serve. With years of experience and a dedicated team of professionals and have established themselves as a leader in the ice cream industry. BIG N BEN is dedicated to crafting the finest English ice cream using only the freshest and highest-quality ingredients. their passion for ice cream runs deep, and they are committed to bringing the rich and creamy taste of traditional English ice cream to every bite their serve. With a focus on quality and an unwavering commitment to their craft, they aim to be the go-to source for all of your ice cream needs. BIGNBEN's goal is to continue to grow and provide unparalleled solutions that exceed the expectations of our customers.