This is the public profile of Hsu Ti-Pin, Additional information and high-resolution images are available for accredited press members, to access additional information about Hsu Ti-Pin please login as a press member. |
About Hsu Ti-Pin : Talented, Passion, Heart. ORGANIZATION:"Sharing feelings, living with passion, connecting with heart" We are always passionate about communicating and understanding needs, challenging all possibilities but keeping the details in our minds. We are also skilled at using different materials to create aesthetically pleasing and functional spaces. Muyi Creation has always been committed to the belief that "one heart" means helping each other without distinction. We learn more about each other while working together, and we learn and grow together through sharing... "Partners" are the most important and valuable part of our journey. We also focus on our everyday feelings and are happy to share whatever we love, care and concern about. Muyi Creation REGISTRATION DATE: 2022-06-26 13:23:18 COUNTRY/REGION: Taiwan (China) ACCOUNT TYPE: Professional |
Awards received by Hsu Ti-Pin
Press Members: Request an exclusive interview with Hsu Ti-Pin. |
Good design deserves great recognition. |
A' Design Award & Competition. |