List of account types are given below. You will notice that each account has certain benefits as well as a different pricing for nomination fees. For all accounts, registration, submission and preliminary score is free of charge. |
Enterprise |
Enterprise Account: Designed for the needs of big enterprises in mind, Enterprise Account type comes with a complimentary PR push and Portfolio Evaluation Service.
Eligibility Conditions: Must be an enterprise, a commercial business that produces services or products in order to generate profits. The Enterprise generally buys (or generates in-house) design to implement to their own products or services. Includes also building development companies, as well as product manufacturers, factories, famous or national brands, service provider companies and any other company. Generates profits by selling products and services. Choose this option if you represent an enterprise.
Restrictions: Can use brand names for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details. Cannot use brand name for gala-badges. Must use institutional or corporate electronic mail address for registration. Can provide up to three (3) entity names for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, gala-badges, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details if space permits. Company registration number, value added tax number or corporate identification number must be provided for invoices. Maximum Team Size - number of designers that could be listed as team members at team members section of design details is fourty (40) i.e. cannot list more than forty (40) entities for the team members section of designs, including the account owner.
Clarifications: If you have more than forty (40) team members or if the project is a collaboration between multiple enterprises, you should use Business Consortium Account type instead.
| Business Consortium |
Business Consortium Account: Designed for the needs of big enterprises or consortium of multiple enterprises in mind, the Business Consortium Account type comes together with a complimentary PR push and Portfolio Evaluation Service.
Eligibility Conditions: Should be consortium between enterprises or could be a single multinational corporation. Consortium members or subsidiaries should be enterprises, ommercial businesses that produces services or products in order to generate profits. The Enterprise generally buys (or generates in-house) design to implement to their own products or services. Includes also building development companies, as well as product manufacturers, factories, famous or national brands, service provider companies and any other company. Generates profits by selling products and services. Choose this option if you represent a business consortium, a megacorporation, a multinational business or a very big enterprise.
Restrictions: Can use brand names for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details. Cannot use brand name for gala-badges. Must use institutional or corporate electronic mail address for registration. * Can provide up to three (3) entity names for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, gala-badges, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details if space permits. Company registration number, value added tax number or corporate identification number must be provided for invoices. Maximum Team Size - number of designers that could be listed as team members at team members section of design details is five-hundred (500).
Clarifications: If you have less than forty (40) team members, you could use Enterprise Account type instead.
Agency |
Agency Account: Designed for creative companies, Agency Account type also includes the complimentary PR Push and Portfolio Evaluation Service. Entry fees are discounted compared to Enterprise Account.
Eligibility Conditions: Should be a single company that produces raw design as output to be used for other companies for their services, promotion and/or products. A design producer business whose core competency is design, architecture, creative consultancy, advertisement or similar. Does not produce any tangible products or services unrelated to design. Can be industrial design company, graphic design company, advertising agency, photography studio, marketing agency, innovation consultancy, creative agency or a PR Company. Generates profits by providing design & creative services. Choose this option if you represent an agency.
Restrictions: Can use agency names for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details. Cannot use brand name for gala-badges. Must use institutional or corporate electronic mail address for registration. * Can provide up to two (2) entity names for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, gala-badges, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details if space permits, one of the names is suggested but not obliged to be the Agency name or its abbreviation. Can use only the name of the agency for account name and designer rankings. Company registration number, value added tax number or corporate identification number must be provided for invoices. Maximum Team Size - number of designers that could be listed as team members at team members section of design details is twenty (20) i.e. cannot list more than twenty (20) entities for the team members section of designs, including the account owner.
Clarifications: The purpose of Agency account is to provide discounts to design companies, architecture offices, advertising agencies and similar. Agencies who need to mention more than twenty (20) team members should use Agency Cooperation Account type.
Agency Cooperation |
Agency Cooperation Account: Designed for large agencies or group of creative companies, Agency Cooperation Account type also includes the complimentary PR Push and Portfolio Evaluation Service. Entry fees are discounted compared to Enterprise Account.
Eligibility Conditions: Should be either a very large agency or a collaboration between multiple companies that produces raw design as output to be used for other companies for their services, promotion and/or products. Agencies are design producing businesses whose core competency is design, architecture, creative consultancy, advertisement or similar. Does not produce any tangible products or services unrelated to design. Can be industrial design company, graphic design company, advertising agency, photography studio, marketing agency, innovation consultancy, creative agency or a PR Company. Generates profits by providing design & creative services. Choose this option if you represent a group of agencies or a very big agency.
Restrictions: Can use agency names for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details. Cannot use brand name for gala-badges. Must use institutional or corporate electronic mail address for registration. Can provide up to three (3) entity names for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, gala-badges, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details if space permits. Company registration number, value added tax number or corporate identification number must be provided for invoices. Maximum Team Size - number of designers that could be listed as team members at team members section of design details is forty (40) i.e. cannot list more than forty (40) entities for the team members section of designs, including the account owner.
Clarifications: Small agencies who have less than twenty (20) team members can use Agency Account type instead of Agency Cooperation Account type to save on entry fees.
Professional |
Professional Account: Designed for individual design professionals, creators and architects, Professional Account type also includes the complimentary PR Push and Portfolio Evaluation Service. Entry fees are discounted compared to Enterprise or Agency account.
Eligibility Conditions : A person that produces raw design as output to be used for other companies for their services and products. A freelancer whose core competency is design, architecture, creative consultancy, advertisement or similar. Could be an owner of a design company and could potentially be registered to chamber of commerce or a relevant association. Can be a designer, artists, photographer, architect, stylist or a creative. Generates income by providing design and creative services to others. Choose this option if you are a design professional or if you represent a design professional. Must be a single individual.
Restrictions : Must use full name; first name and surname for the yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, gala-badges, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details. Cannot represent a group of designers or architects. Cannot use brand names for yearbook, certificates or profile details. Cannot use nickname, alias or handle. Should not include business name or brand names for the yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, gala-badges, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details. Cannot use multiple names: can provide only one (1) entity name for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, gala-badges, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details. Client / Brand / Studio details and logo must relate to the designers' own brand. Maximum Team Size - number of designers that could be listed as team members at team members section of design details is zero (0) i.e. cannot list aany entity for the team members section of designs, including the account owner; team member section must be blank; if you have team members you need to choose Professional Partnership account type.
Clarifications : Professional Partnership Account should be used when there are any team members or partners who shall be named in yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, gala-badges, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details. Agency Account should be used when the number of team members or partners is higher than eight (8).
Professional Partnership |
Professional Partnership Account: Designed for group of design professionals, creators and architects, Professional Account type also includes the complimentary PR Push and Portfolio Evaluation Service. Entry fees are discounted compared to Enterprise or Agency account.
Eligibility Conditions: Should be a small team of designers that produces raw design as output to be used for other companies for their services and products. Core team of freelancers whose core competency is design, architecture, creative consultancy, advertisement or similar. Could be an owner of a design company and could potentially be registered to chamber of commerce or a relevant association. Can be a designer, artists, photographer, architect, stylist or a creative. Generates income by providing design and creative services to others. Choose this option if you are a professional design team or if you represent a group of design professionals.
Restrictions: Cannot use brand names for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details. Cannot use brand name for gala-badges. Can provide up to three (3) designer names for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, gala-badges, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details if space permits. Maximum Team Size - number of designers that could be listed as team members at team members section of design details is eight (8) i.e. cannot list more than eight (8) entities for the team members section of designs, including the account owner.
Clarifications: If you have more than eight (8) team members, you should choose Agency Account. If you do not have any team members, use Professional Account instead of Professional Partnership account to save on entry fees.
Non-Profit |
Non-Profit Account: Designed for not for profit organizations, the Non-Profit Account type provides possibilities of submitting works through patronage or membership referral programs with discounted entry fees.
Eligibility Conditions: Should be a single legal entity that is granted tax-exempt status by the local tax authorities, revenue officials or the government. The not-for-profit organization uses surplus revenues to achieve its goals rather than distributing them as profit or dividends. Can be any type of entity, charity, trust or cooperative. Must be registered and have a tax code. Choose this option if you represent a non-profit organization.
Restrictions: Can use non-profit institution name for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details. Cannot use brand name for gala-badges. Must use institutional electronic mail address for registration. * Can provide up to two (2) entity names for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, gala-badges or screen presentations if space permits, one of the names must be the Non-profit name or abbreviation. Can only use the non-profit name for the designer rankings or profile details. Company registration number, value added tax number or corporate identification number must be provided for invoices. Maximum Team Size - number of designers that could be listed as team members at team members section of design details is ten (10) i.e. cannot list more than ten (10) entities for the team members section of designs, including the account owner.
Clarifications: Non-profit Account type is not for participants who have created probono works; the Non-profit Account is proplerly for non-profit organizations. Institutional Alliance Account type should be used for collaborative non-profit works or when the number of team members exceed ten (10).
Institutional Alliance |
Institutional Alliance Account: Designed for very large non-profits or group of not for profit organizations, the Institutional Alliance account type provides possibilities of submitting works through patronage or membership referral programs with discounted entry fees.
Eligibility Conditions: Group members should be legal entities that are granted tax-exempt status by the local tax authorities, revenue officials or the government. The not-for-profit organization uses surplus revenues to achieve its goals rather than distributing them as profit or dividends. Can be any type of entity, charity, trust or cooperative. Must be registered and have a tax code. Choose this option if you represent a group of non-profit organizations or a very large non-profit organization.
Restrictions: Can use non-profit institution name for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details. Cannot use brand name for gala-badges. Must use institutional electronic mail address for registration. Can provide up to three (3) entity names for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, gala-badges, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details if space permits. Company registration number, value added tax number or corporate identification number must be provided for invoices. Maximum Team Size - number of designers that could be listed as team members at team members section of design details is forty (40) i.e. cannot list more than forty (40) entities for the team members section of designs, including the account owner.
Clarifications: Non-Profit Account type instead of Institutional Alliance Account could be used when the number of team members are less than or equal to ten (10).
Academic |
Academic Account: Designed for Academics in mind, this account type allows individual scholars to join the competition with lowest fees as well as provides opportunity for further involvement.
Eligibility Conditions: A Single individual, representing or taking part in the competition on behalf of a private or public academic organization or an institute of education where scientific method is followed to teach natural or social sciences, design, technology, architecture or any other disciplines or studies. The academic institution must be legally registered or accredited by government. You will be asked to provide a license and approval by your institution. Universities as well as specialized or technical schools are eligible as long as it is a high institution teaching individuals. Choose this option if you represent an academic organization or if you are a staff of an academic institution and taking part in the accolade on behalf of your institution.
Restrictions : Can use academic institution name for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details. Cannot use brand name for gala-badges. Must use institutional electronic mail address for registration. Cannot use multiple names: can provide up to (1) entity name for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, gala-badges or screen presentations, the entity names could be that of the academic institution. Only one (1) entity name is allowed for designer rankings and profile details. Institution registration number, value added tax number or corporate identification number must be provided for invoices. Maximum Team Size - number of designers that could be listed as team members at team members section of design details is zero (0) i.e. cannot list any number of entities for the team members section of designs, including the account owner; team members section must be left blank; if you have team members you need to choose Academic Collaboration account type.
Clarifications: Academic Account type is not suitable for undergraduate students of academic institutions; undergraduates should use Young account type, on the other hand graduate students are eligible for Academic Account type. Group of academics should use Academic Collaboration Account type, especially when the number of team members for the projects are higher than or equal to one (1) person. Do not choose this account type if you intend to take part in the competition with your personal or commercial projects; this very special account type is reserved for academics to nominate their institutional and academic works and not intended for scholars who wish to submit other works such as designs they have created for third-parties and/or for themselves. If you are an academic but wish to nominate your own non-acdemia related projects, you shall choose Professional account type. Do not choose this account type solely on the basis if you created a work for an academic institution; you must also be an academic working in the institution for which you created the work for; companies designing for academia should choose Enterprise, Agency or Startup account type instead of Academic account type, likewise professionals designing for academic institutions, as a professional, should choose Professional Account type instead. In the end of the year, we will verify if you are indeed an academic by checking your registered e-mail and your current status at your faculty or department to see if you are actively listed; please use Professional Account Type if you are not actively taking part in an academic institution such as a lecturer, professor or dean.
Academic Collaboration |
Academic Collaboration Account: Designed for Academics in mind, Academic Collaboration Account type allows group of scholars to join the competition with low fees as well as provides opportunity for further involvement.
Eligibility / Conditions: Group of academic individuals, representing or taking part in the competition on behalf of a private or public academic organizations or an institute of education where scientific method is followed to teach natural or social sciences, design, technology, architecture or any other disciplines or studies. The academic institution must be legally registered or accredited by government. Universities as well as specialized or technical schools are eligible as long as it is a high institution teaching individuals. Choose this option if you represent an academic organization or if you are a staff of an academic institution.
Restrictions : Cannot use brand names for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, gala-badges, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details except for the name of the academic institution. Must use institutional electronic mail address for registration. Client / Brand / Studio details and logo must relate to the academic organization. * Cannot use more than three (3) names for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, gala-badges, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details. Only one (1) entity name is allowed for designer rankings and profile details. Cannot list more than forty (40) entities for the team members section of designs.
Clarifications: Academic Collaboration Account type is not suitable for group of undergraduate students of academic institutions; undergraduates should use Young Collective account type, on the other hand group of graduate students are eligible for Academic Collaboration Account. Individual Academics can use Academic Account type instead of Academic Collaboration Account type to save on entry fees. |
Young |
Young Account: Designed for individual, upcoming talents and new designers, the Young Account type provides the lowest entry fees as well as complimentary participation options for young designers.
Eligibility Conditions: A Single individual, young person, below or equal to 25 years of age, aspiring to become a good designer. Does not own a company or work for a company: does not yet earn money by providing design services. Can be a student or not, the field of study is not relevant for account type however is usually in one of creative disciplines such as architecture, interior design, product design, graphic design, communication design, interactive design, service design etc. Choose this option if you are a young designer.
Restrictions : Must use full name; first name and surname for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, gala-badges, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details. Cannot use brand names for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, gala-badges, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details. Cannot use nickname, alias or handle. Must fill complete profile details and provide proof of age on demand. Client / Brand / Studio details and logo must relate to their own personal brand; cannot use third party brand, agency or enterprise logo. * Cannot use multiple names: can only use one (1) entity name for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, gala-badges, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details. Maximum Team Size - number of designers that could be listed as team members at team members section of design details is zero (0) i.e. cannot list any entities for the team members section of designs, including the account owner; the team member section must be blank; if you have team members you need to choose Young Collective account type.
Clarifications: Graduate students and academics should use Academic Account type instead of Young Account type. Group of Young Designers should use Young Collective Account type instead of Young Account type. If you have more any team members, please use Young Collective Account type instead.
Young Collective |
Young Collective Account: Designed for groups of young designers, upcoming talents and new designers, the Young Account type provides low entry fees as well as complimentary participation options.
Eligibility Conditions: Group of individuals or young people below or equal to 25 years of age. None of the group members own a company or work for a company: group members do not yet earn money by providing design services. Group members can be a student or not, the field of study is not relevant for account type however is usually in one of creative disciplines such as architecture, interior design, product design, graphic design, communication design, interactive design, service design etc. Choose this option if you are representing a group of young designers.
Restrictions : Must use full name; first name and surname for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, gala-badges, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details. Cannot use brand names for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, gala-badges, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details. Cannot use nickname, alias or handle. Must fill complete profile details and provide proof of age on demand. Client / Brand / Studio details and logo must relate to their own personal brand; cannot use third party brand, agency or enterprise logo. * Can use up to three (3) entity names for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, gala-badges, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details. Maximum Team Size - number of designers that could be listed as team members at team members section of design details is eight (8) i.e. cannot list more than eight (8) entities for the team members section of designs, including the account owner. Any and all listed team members must also be below or equal to 25 years of age.
Clarifications: If you do not have any team members, please use Young Account type instead of Young Collective Account to save on entry fees.
Startup |
Startup Account: Designed for newly established companies, the Start-Up Account type comes together with a complimentary PR push and Portfolio Evaluation Service as well as great discounts.
Eligibility Conditions: A newly established business within the last 3 years, already registered and having a tax number. Full of energy, passion and creativity but needs support for marketing, pr and publicity. The start-up can be an agency for design or a future enterprise, i.e. could be producer of design, or integrator of design; can make or sell design products or services or just the service of creating designs. Choose this option, if you represent a newly established business within the last 3 years. In addition to age restriction, turnover must be less than 360.000 Euro / year regardless of company age and/or company size must be less than than 8 people. Cannot use designer names for yearbook, certificates or profile details, must use brand name. Profile information should be filled and indicate that your company or brand is newly founded, within the last 3 years.
Restrictions: Must use start-up name for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details. Cannot use brand name for gala-badges. * Can provide up to two (2) entity names for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, gala-badges or screen presentations, one of the names must be the name of the Start-Up. Can use only the name of the Start-Up for account name and designer rankings. Company registration number, value added tax number or corporate identification number must be provided for invoices. Maximum Team Size - number of designers that could be listed as team members at team members section of design details is eight (8) i.e. cannot list more than eight (8) entities for the team members section of designs, including the account owner.
Clarifications: Enterprise account should be used if the number of team members is higher than eight (8). Individual designers should use Professional Account type instead of Start-Up Account type.
Media |
Media Account: Designed for publications and information dissemination channels, Media Account type provides complimentary entry in return of featuring award winners. Media Account also allows access to Pressroom.
Eligibility Conditions: Press or Media institutions, registered (for printed media) or not registered (e-zines, new media and online) publications covering and spotlighting articles on lifestyle, design, art, architecture or any other topic of interest, including but not limited to sector specific publications. Please kindly note that corporate publications (publications by companies to promote themselves) and religious publications are not eligible. Choose this option, if you represent a publication, if you are an editor or press member.
Restrictions : Should use media company name for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, gala-badges, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details. Must use organizational electronic mail address for registration. Client / Brand / Studio details and logo must relate to the media organization. * Can use up to two (2) entity names names for yearbook, certificates or posters, one of the entity names must be the media company name. Can use only the name of the media company for account name and designer rankings. Maximum Team Size - number of designers that could be listed as team members at team members section of design details is twenty (20) i.e. cannot list more than twenty (20) entities for the team members section of designs, including the account owner.
Clarifications: Media Conglomerate Account type should be used if you have more than twenty (20) team members that you wish to list at the team members section of your design.
Media Conglomerate |
Media Conglomerate Account: Designed for very large publications, media networks and information dissemination channels, Media Conglomerate Account type provides complimentary entry in return of featuring award winners. Media Account also allows access to Pressroom.
Eligibility Conditions: Large press or media organizations, registered (for printed media) or not registered (e-zines, new media and online) publications covering and spotlighting articles on lifestyle, design, art, architecture or any other topic of interest, including but not limited to sector specific publications. Please kindly note that corporate publications (publications by companies to promote themselves) and religious publications require are not eligible. Choose this option, if you represent a group of publications or if you represent a very large media network.
Restrictions : Should use media company name for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, gala-badges, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details. Must use organizational electronic mail address for registration. Client / Brand / Studio details and logo must relate to the media organization. * Can use up to three (3) entity names names for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, gala-badges, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details, one of the entity names should be a media company name. Can use only the name of the media companies for account name and designer rankings. Maximum Team Size - number of designers that could be listed as team members at team members section of design details is eighty (80) i.e. cannot list more than eighty (80) entities for the team members section of designs, including the account owner.
Clarifications: Media Account type could be used if you have less than twenty (20) team members that you wish to list at the team members section of your design.
Government |
Government Account: Designed for governments, administratives of local or national governments regardless of responsibility (executive, legistlative or judiciary), the Government Account type provides discounted nomination ticket possibilities to distribute to designers or companies in order to subsidize design or to spur economy through design promotion.
Eligibility Conditions: Representing an official government as acknowledged by UN. Can be any branch of the government including but not limited to ministry of economy, ministry of culture or council of designs, council of developments or any others such as design centers, design development initatives or other administrative bodies. Choose this option, if you officially represent a government body, if you are a breaucrat, government representative or politician with seat in parliment.
Restrictions : Can use government institution names for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details. Cannot use brand name for gala-badges. Must use institutional or government electronic mail address for registration. * Can provide up to two (2) entity names for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, gala-badges, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details if space permits, one of the names must be the name or abbreviation of the government institution. Can use only the name of the government institution for account name and designer rankings. Institution registration number, value added tax number or corporate identification number must be provided for invoices. Maximum Team Size - number of designers that could be listed as team members at team members section of design details is twenty (20) i.e. cannot list more than twenty (20) entities for the team members section of designs, including the account owner.
Clarifications: Government Account type is not for designers or agencies who have designed a work for government; Government Account is for the government entities themselves such as government bodies, government agencies, government institutions, ministries and similar.