The scoring starts by explaining in detail what the criteria stands for, the scoring continues by explaining what the score ranges means, and it will have necessery notes to make it more clear for all the jury members to clearly understand it. Most of the criterion are scored from a range of 0 to 11, while some of them will be yes or no questions. While scoring the jury can see the thumbnail of the design, when jury mouses over the thumbnail, the original size is shown. Here is an example criteria and the interface for responding: |
Social harmony is the desirable influence of a designs qualities over the society; a design with a high "social harmony" value will unite the society and procreate pleasant feelings such as joy, peace and sympathy, while a design with a low "social harmony" value will cause anger, rage and hatred among people. |
Here, a "0" score means, the design could create extreme hatred between the general population. "1,2 and 3" means the design will have negative effects based on political or religious grounds. "4,5,6 and 7" are safe zones, "8,9 and 10" means the design invites people to harmonious behaviour; peace and calmness. A score of "11" means this is the most harmonious design you have ever seen. |
If you are giving a score higher than four; "religious and political" components of the design should not effect your scoring at these scores. "religious and political" components are taken into consideration, only if they cause negative social harmony. |
After an option is chosen, the jury has the option to confirm and proceed to the next result, or the jury can go back to his/her previous result, in either case if an option is selected, it is saved. Jury cannot proceed without choosing an option but instead can pause voting. All the designs can be flagged at any stage, these flags are: "Favorite | Disqualification | Against". |