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Association of Advertisers Trade and Industry Associations
Ассоциация Рекламодателей была создана в 1998 году крупнейшими рекламодателями, представленными на российском рынке. Главной целью АР, было создание и утверждения в Российской Федерации, системы надежных гарантий свободы рекламы и содействие становлению и развитию эффективной системы саморегулирования рекламной деятельности на российском рынке. Сегодня Ассоциация видит свою роль в продвижении саморегулирования в сфере рекламы, популяризации самоограничений её членов, гармонизации Международных рекламных практик и правил а также в развитии эффективного и умного нормативно-правового регулирования рекламного рынка. |
Association of Finnish Work Trade and Industry Associations
Association for Finnish Work mission is to promote the appreciation of Finnish work and success. We are in favor of it, that there are more work in the future and that the role of Finland, the work is meaningful and valuable. |
Association of Russian Furniture and Timber Enterprises (АМДПР) Trade and Industry Associations
Ассоциация предприятий мебельной и деревообрабатывающей промышленности России (АМДПР) — добровольная, профессионально-общественная, некоммерческая организация — учреждена в 1997 году с целью консолидации усилий по преодолению кризисных явлений в мебельно-деревообрабатывающей отрасли и созданию необходимых условий для ее подъема в рыночных условиях и развития экспорта. Устав Ассоциации утвержден Общим собранием АМДПР 6 мая 1997 года. В состав Ассоциации входят более 90 мебельных, фанерных и плитных предприятий, деревообрабатывающие компании по производству напольных покрытий, стеновых панелей, комплектов для деревянного каркасно-панельного домостроения, погонажных и других изделий деревообработки, а также крупные, средние и малые предприятия Центрального, Северо-Западного, Южного, Приволжского, Уральского и Сибирского округов России. |
Confindustria Ceramica Trade and Industry Associations
German American Chamber of Commerce Trade and Industry Associations
The German American Chamber of Commerce of the Southern United States, Inc. (GACC South) was founded in 1978 to promote and support bilateral trade between Germany and the U.S.
The GACC South is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, with a branch office in Houston, Texas. |
The Association of Master Upholsterers and Soft Furnishers Trade and Industry Associations
The AMUSF was founded in 1947 (then as the AMU) to protect the interests of upholsterers, small furniture makers, and later, soft furnishers. We've been supporting our members ever since!
Since those early days, the Association has vastly extended the range of support it gives to members. It is still a lobbying body but it also provides diverse services to members including advice on sourcing materials, Health and Safety, HR, the fire safety regulations for both domestic and contract furniture, a group buying scheme, a free legal helpline and many others. It publishes a quarterly magazine and distributes a monthly e-newsletter which keeps members abreast of trade news and of current developments affecting the trade.
The Association is also highly active in training, administering the most comprehensive qualifications in Traditional Upholstery in the UK, as it sees this as a vital contribution to the long-term well-being and continuing strength of the upholstery and soft furnishing trades.
With hundreds of students moving into this sector the AMUSF is there to support them in the future with their projects and works and promoting them through the AMUSF social media sites and website. |
The Association of Russian Banks Trade and Industry Associations
Негосударственная некоммерческая организация, выражающая интересы российского банковского сообщества.
Ассоциация российских банков учреждена в марте 1991 года и в настоящий момент насчитывает членов - 177, в том числе кредитных организаций - 101. Ассоциация сотрудничает с региональными банковскими объединениями в 23 субъектах Российской Федерации и с 6-ю представителями АРБ в других регионах России |
ASSIL | Associazione Nazionale Produttori Illuminazione Trade and Industry Associations
Mission dell’Associazione è rappresentare, tutelare e supportare le Aziende Associate per favorire la crescita di un’industria di qualità, basata su innovazione e internazionalizzazione. |
Association of Personal Protective Equipment Developers, Manufacturers and Supplier (АСИЗ) Trade and Industry Associations
The Association of Personal Protective Equipment Developers, Manufacturers and Suppliers (abbreviated name: Association SIZ, hereafter referred to as «the Association») is a self-regulated non-profit organization, created on the basis of the voluntary union of legal entities, to security professional and economical activity, to represent joint interest to state structure and other structure, international organizations, assist its members in achieving the goals dictated by this Charter. |
Association RATEK Trade and Industry Associations
Ассоциация РАТЭК, образованная в 2000 году, объединяет крупнейшие компании рынка электроники и бытовой техники.
В Ассоциацию РАТЭК входят порядка 50 компании, работающих более чем в 400 городах России, в т.ч. торговые компании (включая федеральные торговые сети: М.Видео-Эльдорадо, Технопарк), производственные компании (включая иностранные представительства Intel, Apple, Panasonic, LG, Sony, Samsung, Whirlpool- Indesit, HP, Canon и др.), интернет-компании (Яндекс, Google), сервисные компании и инфраструктурные компании. |
AICARR - Associazione Italiana Condizionamento dell'Aria, Riscaldamento, Refrigerazione Trade and Industry Associations
Aito Trade and Industry Associations
AITO – The Specialist Travel Association is a group of unique and specialist travel companies, who collectively provide an unrivalled range of holidays to every corner of the globe. When you book with an AITO member you are assured of the finest personal service, expert knowledge, and a holiday that is fully financially protected.
All AITO members are required to provide the highest level of customer satisfaction by concentrating on three main pillars: Choice, Quality and Service – as enshrined in our Quality Charter. We feel it’s thanks to these three qualities that AITO companies consistently dominate consumer-voted travel awards every year.
Every company admitted to AITO is financially assessed and bound by AITO's own code of business practice which demands clear and accurate descriptions of holidays and the use of customer questionnaires for monitoring standards. Our members are also encouraged to participate in raising awareness among staff, customers and suppliers of the importance of sustainable tourism. |
Aktion Modernes Handwerk e.V. Trade and Industry Associations
The Aktion Modernes Handwerk e. V. (AMH) supports organizations and businesses in the trade in their public relations work, image cultivation and recruiting young people. It promotes the common interests of the entire trade in these areas, gives impulses, suggestions and initiates projects.
Supported by around 400 members - chambers of skilled trades, professional associations, district trade associations, guilds, companies and supporting members - the AMH networks marketing and communication of the craft, its companies and organizations. It is therefore a platform and hub for an exchange of ideas and experiences from practice for practice. |
Angaisa- Associazione Nazionale Commercianti Articoli Idrosanitari, Climatizzazione Pavimenti, Rivestimenti ed Arredobagno Trade and Industry Associations
ANGAISA si è evoluta nel tempo da semplice Associazione formata da pochi imprenditori nel lontano 1956 ad organizzazione più completa, capace di sviluppare iniziative e progetti che coinvolgono l’intero Settore idrotermosanitario. Questa sezione del portale è stata pensata per coloro che vogliono conoscere meglio l’Associazione ed il suo funzionamento. |
ANIMA Federazione delle Associazioni Nazionali dell'Industria Meccanica Varia Trade and Industry Associations
Anima Confindustria è l'organizzazione industriale di categoria del sistema Confindustria che rappresenta le aziende della meccanica. La Federazione è formata da 30 Associazioni e gruppi merceologici e conta più di 1.000 aziende associate, tra le più qualificate nei rispettivi settori produttivi. |
APIL - Associazione professionisti dell'illuminazione Federlegnoarredo Trade and Industry Associations
APIL è l'Associazione dei professionisti italiani che operano nei campi della luce |
ASAL ASSOALLESTIMENTI - FederlegnoArredo Trade and Industry Associations
ASAL Assoallestimenti è l'associazione di categoria costituita fra le aziende italiane che si occupano di allestimento e della fornitura di beni e servizi nelle fiere, nelle mostre, negli spazi espositivi e negli eventi.
ASSARREDO - FederlegnoArredo Trade and Industry Associations
Nata nel 1979, Assarredo rappresenta l’Associazione nazionale delle industrie produttrici di mobili, imbottiti, cucine, sistemi per dormire, complementi d’arredo e arredamenti commerciali. |
Assimpredil Ance Trade and Industry Associations
Assimpredil Ance è l’Associazione delle imprese di costruzione edili di Milano, Lodi, Monza e Brianza; è la più grande realtà territoriale di ANCE, l’Associazione Nazionale che rappresenta le imprese di costruzione nel mondo Confindustria |
ASSOBAGNO - FederlegnoArredo Trade and Industry Associations
Obiettivo dell’associazione è costruire la cultura dell’arredobagno e raggiungere una specifica identità come settore, facendo partecipi più aziende possibili alla vita associativa per condividerne attività e progetti e crescere insieme attraverso il dibattito, il confronto e la condivisione di esperienze professionali |
Association of British Offshore Industries Trade and Industry Associations
Society of Maritime Industries (SMI) is the voice of the UK’s maritime engineering and business sector promoting and supporting companies which design, build, refit and modernise ships, and supply equipment and services for all types of commercial and naval ships, ports and terminals infrastructure, digital technology, maritime defence and security, marine science and technology, maritime autonomous systems and marine renewable energy. |
Association of Electrical and Mechanical Trades Trade and Industry Associations
The AEMT is The Association of Electrical and Mechanical Trades founded in 1945. It is an International Association representing companies in the electrical and mechanical service and repair industry. |
Association of Independent Celebrants Trade and Industry Associations
The Association of Independent Celebrants Ltd (AOIC) is a vibrant and forward-thinking Trade Association for professional celebrants across the UK and overseas. |
Association of International Automobile Forwarders Trade and Industry Associations
Ассоциация международных автомобильных перевозчиков (АСМАП) образована в 1974 г.
АСМАП объединяет более 1 400 автотранспортных компаний, осуществляющих перевозки грузов и пассажиров в международном автомобильном сообщении. |
Association of Kazakhstan Machinery Industry Trade and Industry Associations
Союз объединяет более 594 машиностроительных предприятий;
Союз имеет аккредитацию в Министерстве индустрии и инфраструктурного развития РК, Министерстве цифрового развития, инноваций и аэрокосмической промышленности РК и Национальной палате предпринимателей РК «Атамекен»;
Союз имеет 14 региональных представителей по всему Казахстану;
Ежегодно Союз проводит Форум машиностроителей Казахстана с участием международных экспертов. |
Association of Russian Communications Agencies (АКАР) Trade and Industry Associations
Ассоциация коммуникационных агентств России (АКАР, до 2000 г. - РАРА) создана в 1993 году, некоммерческая организация, ведущее и крупнейшее профессиональное объединение более 200 участников рынка коммуникационных услуг России. Члены АКАР предоставляют услуги в сфере: рекламы (ATL, TTL, BTL) - создают, планируют, размещают и продают рекламу в прессе, на радио, телевидении, в кинотеатрах, Интернете, на транспорте, на улицах и площадях; паблик рилейшнз; стимулирования сбыта и формирования спроса, продвижения товаров и услуг; брендинга; прямого маркетинга; спонсорства; маркетинговых, рекламных и социологических исследований; дизайна и упаковки; оформления мест продаж; интегрированных маркетинговых коммуникаций; нетрадиционного маркетинга. |
Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry Trade and Industry Associations
The ABPI exists to make the UK the best place in the world to research, develop and use new medicines and vaccines. We represent companies of all sizes who invest in discovering the medicines of the future. |
Associazione Marmisti Regione Lombardia Trade and Industry Associations
La pietra naturale, materia prima del progresso dell’umanità, rappresenta la più ampia fonte storica di cultura e tradizione. |
Assoimballaggi FederlegnoArredo Trade and Industry Associations
Assoimballaggi è l'Associazione Nazionale delle industrie di imballaggi di legno, pallet, sughero e servizi logistici |
ASSOLEGNO FederlegnoArredo Trade and Industry Associations
Assolegno è una delle associazioni statutarie di FederlegnoArredo e rappresenta circa 500 imprese che operano in numerosi ambiti industriali: lavorazioni forestali e realizzazione di segati, produzione di elementi strutturali in legno massiccio e incollato, prefabbricazione di sistemi costruttivi, montaggio di edifici e opere di ingegneria.
Assolombarda Trade and Industry Associations
Assolombarda è l’associazione delle imprese che operano nella Città Metropolitana di Milano e nelle province di Lodi, Monza e Brianza, Pavia. |
ASSOLUCE FederlegnoArredo Trade and Industry Associations
Assoluce vuole essere associazione che opera come organismo per il continuo miglioramento dei livelli qualitativi del settore dell'illuminazione e che intende aggregare tutte le aziende operanti secondo linee di qualità e sicurezza dei propri prodotti e, insieme, di correttezza e serietà di comportamenti sia nei confronti della distribuzione che dei finali consumatori. |
ASSOPANNELLI FederlegnoArredo Trade and Industry Associations
Foro Buonaparte 65
20121 - Milano |
Assopiuma Trade and Industry Associations
ASSOPIUMA is the association created to promote and certify FEATHER AND DOWN products according to the highest quality standards, which can bear its numbered watermarked label, to guarantee the final consumer. |
Australia Council for the Arts Trade and Industry Associations
Austrian Federal Economic Chamber Trade and Industry Associations
ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA, with around 100 offices in over 70 countries, provides a broad range of intelligence and business development services for both Austrian companies and their international business partners. |
Bathroom Manufacturers Association Trade and Industry Associations
The BMA acts as an information highway between Industry, Government and the consumer on all issues that affect the bathroom business in the UK. |
Brewing, Food and Beverage Industry Suppliers Association Trade and Industry Associations
BFBi are the only international trade association representing the entire value chain supplying the food & drink industry worldwide.
We believe that we are unique in that we represent an entire value chain – from seed to sales. |
British Amusement Catering Trades Association Trade and Industry Associations
Bacta is the trade body which represents the interests of Britain’s amusements and high street gaming manufacturers and operators. |
British Constructional Steelwork Association Trade and Industry Associations
BCSA is the national organisation for the steel construction industry: its Member companies undertake the design, fabrication and erection of steelwork for all forms of construction in building and civil engineering. Associate Members are those principal companies involved in the direct supply to all or some Members of components, materials or products. Corporate Members are clients, professional offices, educational establishments etc which support the development of national specifications, certification, fabrication and erection techniques, overall industry efficiency and good practice. |
British Furniture Manufacturers' Association Trade and Industry Associations
The BFM is part of the British Furniture Confederation which lobbies government and the EU to make sure your industry supports you. The BFM are also integral to the writing of the NLA (National Labour Agreement) which affects every manufacturer in the UK, becoming a member means that your voice will be heard when legislation is created or changed. |
Bundesverband des Deutschen Exporthandels e.V. Trade and Industry Associations
The Federation of the German Export Trade (Bundesverband des Deutschen Exporthandels e.V.) is one of the head Organisations of German export business. Its members are the international trading companies in Germany with their special interests in the export sector. The companies are organised in seven regional and one product professional association covering about 850 companies throughout Germany. |
Cámara de Industria y Comercio Argentino Alemana Trade and Industry Associations
The Argentine-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce orf more than 100 years have been active agents in the construction of strategic relationships that unite Argentine and German companies. We have a contact platform of 400 associates, articulating an integrated network of business and professional opportunities that enables the exchange of experiences, knowledge, as well as the development of joint businesses. |
Camera di Commercio Italo-Germanica Trade and Industry Associations
La Camera di Commercio Italo-Germanica (AHK Italien) è un’associazione di imprese che agisce su incarico del Ministero dell’Economia e dell’Energia tedesco per promuovere le relazioni economiche tra aziende italiane e tedesche. Attiva dal 1921, riunisce dai grandi gruppi tedeschi alle piccole e medie imprese italiane, dalle filiali di multinazionali ai singoli imprenditori e professionisti.
Con quasi 700 soci, 10 rappresentanze locali e più di 40 collaboratori nella sede di Milano, è la più grande Camera di Commercio estera e associazione bilaterale in Italia. La Camera di Commercio Italo-Germanica è parte integrante della più ampia rete di rappresentanze dell'economia tedesca all'estero composta da più di 130 tra Camere di Commercio, enti e delegazioni presenti in tutto il mondo. |
Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana Trade and Industry Associations
The Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana (The National Chamber for Italian Fashion) is the non profit making Association which disciplines, co-ordinates and promotes the development of Italian Fashion.
Ceramica Made in Umbria Trade and Industry Associations
La Regione Umbria ha tra i suoi fini istituzionali, anche quello di valorizzare l’artigianato artistico; con la Legge Regionale n. 4 del 13/02/2013, Testo unico in materia di artigianato si stabilisce che la Regione interviene a favore delle iniziative promozionali e commerciali dell’artigianato. |
Cetma Trade and Industry Associations
Il CETMA, Centro di Ricerche Europeo di Tecnologie, Design e Materiali, è un' Organizzazione di Ricerca e Tecnologia (RTO) con sede a Brindisi. Svolge da oltre 20 anni attività di ricerca applicata, sviluppo sperimentale e trasferimento tecnologico nel settore dei materiali avanzati (compositi, polimeri, materiali bio-based e da riciclo), dell'ICT (sviluppo di software specialistici per applicazioni innovative nell'ingegneria, nella produzione e nei servizi) e dello sviluppo di prodotto con attività esterna senza scopo di lucro e reinveste tutti gli utili in progetti di ricerca, formazione e trasferimento tecnologico. |
Chamber of Crafts Koblenz Trade and Industry Associations
The Koblenz Chamber of Crafts is the self-governing body of the craft in northern Rhineland-Palatinate and therefore a partner of 19,830 companies. |
China National Pharmaceutical Packaging Association - CNPPA Trade and Industry Associations
China National Pharmaceutical Packaging Association (CNPPA),a national non-profit organization, formerly known as the National Pharmaceutical Packaging Technology Center, was set up in Guangzhou in June 1980; and it was officially renamed to China National Pharmaceutical Packaging Association in November 1991 with the approval by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. The association has nearly 500 members, including pharmaceutical manufactures, packaging material manufacturers, inspection institutions, etc. |
Cluster FVG Legno Arredo Casa Trade and Industry Associations
Cluster Legno Arredo Casa FVG è il consorzio che opera per lo sviluppo del comparto di riferimento proponendo servizi e progetti a favore delle imprese e delle istituzioni. |
Collections Council of Australia Trade and Industry Associations
Comieco - Consorzio Nazionale Recupero e Riciclo degli Imballaggi a base Cellulosica Trade and Industry Associations
omieco è il Consorzio Nazionale Recupero e Riciclo degli Imballaggi a base Cellulosica. La sua finalità è il riciclo e il recupero degli imballaggi di origine cellulosica. |
Confindustria Trade and Industry Associations
Confindustria Bergamo Trade and Industry Associations
Confindustria Moda Trade and Industry Associations
Confindustria Nautica Trade and Industry Associations
UCINA, Confindustria Nautica è l’Associazione senza fini di lucro, che dal 1960 rappresenta le industrie
e le imprese della nautica da diporto, opera per lo sviluppo del settore nautico, promuove la cultura del
mare e lo sviluppo del turismo nautico in Italia. |
Corepla Trade and Industry Associations
Corepla Consorzio Nazionale per la raccolta, il riciclo e il recupero degli imballaggi in plastica è un ente senza scopo di lucro, che raggruppa le imprese della filiera del packaging. |
Dansk-Tysk Handelskammer Trade and Industry Associations
Delegation of German Industry and Commerce Trade and Industry Associations
AHK Greater China is part of the German Chambers of Commerce Worldwide Network (AHK) which includes 140 offices in 92 countries. |
Deutsch-Finnische Handelskammer Trade and Industry Associations
Die AHK Finnland in Helsinki fördert die wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen zwischen Deutschland und Finnland. Ihre vorrangige Aufgabe ist es, durch maßgeschneiderte Dienstleistungen neue Geschäfte zwischen deutschen und finnischen Unternehmen in die Wege zu leiten. Die AHK Finnland gehört zum weltweiten Netz der deutschen Auslandshandelskammern (AHK). |
Deutsch-Norwegische Handelskammer Trade and Industry Associations
With our many years of experience in german-Norwegian business cooperation, interdisciplinary competence and in-depth knowledge of markets, regulations and business cultures, we offer companies professional support in the search for business partners and opportunities in the respective market. We specialize in market analyses, legal and tax advice, as well as the organisation of trade fair participationands and study trips for companies that are or want to become active in the German or Norwegian market. |
Deutsch-Schwedische Handelskammer Trade and Industry Associations
The German-Swedish Chamber of Commerce was established in 1951 to promote the development of German and Swedish business relations. We are located in Stockholm.
The Chamber has a total of about 1150 members in both countries, consisting of companies from all kinds of industries, including manufacturers, trade and service organizations, importers and exporters from both large international companies and smaller businesses. |
Deutsche Industrie und Handelskammer in Japan Trade and Industry Associations
Die Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammer, kurz AHK Japan, ist die zentrale Stelle der deutschen Außenwirtschaftsförderung in Japan, welche die Interessen deutscher Unternehmen in Japan vertritt. Hier erfahren Sie nähere Einzelheiten zur AHK Japan, zu den richtigen Ansprechpartnern und zur Zusammensetzung des Vorstands. |
Deutsches Handwerksinstitut e.V. Trade and Industry Associations
The German Craft Institute eV (DHI) deals with application-oriented craft research. According to the statutes, it has the purpose of promoting science and research in the field of crafts. This takes place in particular through the scientific investigation of questions of the craft in the economic, technical, sociological, legal, educational, vocational, cultural and social field. |
EdilegnoArredo - FederlegnoArredo Trade and Industry Associations
L'Associazione nazionale fabbricanti prodotti per l'edilizia e l'arredo urbano fa capo a FederlegnoArredo, componente del sistema Confindustria, “interprete” della filiera italiana del legno-arredo e del gusto dell'abitare italiano nel mondo. |
Federation of German Wholesale Trade and Industry Associations
The Federation of German Wholesale, Foreign Trade and Services (BGA) represents the interests of the wholesale and foreign trade sectors and B2B services on a national, European and international level. We are committed to an international mindset, competition in an open, free and market-oriented system and responsible entrepreneurship. It is because we believe that trade and international competition lead to global growth, prosperity and employment. Germany, with its highly foreign trade-oriented economy, benefits greatly from this. However, trade restrictions reduce the prospects for employment and a prosperous society – not just in Germany.
The BGA supports companies in achieving success in a global and digital economy. |
Federlegno Arredo Eventi Trade and Industry Associations
FederlegnoArredo Trade and Industry Associations
Federmobili Trade and Industry Associations
Federazione Nazionale Negozi di Arredamento |
Gems & Jewelry Trade Association of China GAC Trade and Industry Associations
The mission of GAC is to provide great services to the members and to promote the development and regulation of the Chinese Jewelry industry. It has devoted itself to establish regulations and to create policy-friendly environment for the industry. GAC has been focusing on pushing forward the development of the Chinese jewelry brands by implementing the ‘Chinese Gems and Jewelry Industry Credit Evaluation’ system, which has become the solid foundation for the upgrading of the Chinese Jewelry brands. |
German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) Trade and Industry Associations
The German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) consists of more than 620 companies involved in production for the automotive industry in the Federal Republic of Germany. The members are divided into three manufacturer groups automobile manufacturers, automotive suppliers, and trailers, special bodies, buses. These three manufacturer groups find their representation in three divisions each assigned a managing director. More than 80 employees in 20 departments actively pursue the interests of the German automotive industry. The President, Hildegard Müller, heads the VDA which has its headquarters in Berlin. |
German Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong Trade and Industry Associations
Founded in 1983, the German Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong is one of the largest membership associations among the European national chambers today with over 400 corporate members. It serves as a catalyst, promoter and facilitator of members’ interests in Hong Kong, China, Germany and the region. As such, GCC is also involved in trade and investment promotion between Hong Kong and Germany along with German Industry and Commerce Ltd. (GIC), the German Consulate General, and the office of Germany Trade and Invest.
German Confederation of Skilled Crafts Trade and Industry Associations
The Central Association of German Crafts (ZDH) is the leading association of the German economy, the craft sector has a strong voice, which stands up for the interests of 1 million craft enterprises with more than 5.58 million employees and about 369,000 apprentices. |
German Industry Association For Optics, Photonics, Analytical and Medical Technologies Trade and Industry Associations
SPECTARIS is the German industry association for the hightech medium-sized business sector and representative body in the areas of medical technology, consumer optics, analytical, bio and laboratory technology as well as photonics. Innovation and growth characterize the different industry sectors and their 300,000 strong workforce. Technologies developed here are used in almost all branches of industry, making them an important motor for the German economy. |
German-Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce Trade and Industry Associations
AHKs are closely connected to the Chambers of Industry and Commerce (IHKs) in Germany. Together, they support German Companies with building up and extending their business relations to foreign countries. The umbrella organisation of the IHKs is the German Association of Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK), which also coordinates and supports the AHKs. Furthermore, the cooperation with various German trade associations strengthens the link from AHKs to business and markets. The AHKs are partially supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy on the basis of a decision of the German Bundestag. |
German-British Chamber of Industry and Commerce Trade and Industry Associations
The AHK United Kingdom is officially registered as the 'German-British Chamber of Industry and Commerce'. It was founded in 1971 and is a business to business organisation of some 750 British and German member firms. The Chamber's commercial services help around 10,000 companies each year start or expand their export activities through providing business contacts, information and advice. |
Germany Trade and Invest Trade and Industry Associations
Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI) is the economic development agency of the Federal Republic of Germany. With more than 50 offices in Germany and abroad, and its network of partners throughout the world, GTAI supports German companies setting up in foreign markets, promotes Germany as a business location and assists foreign companies setting up in Germany. |
Handelskammer Deutschland-Schweiz Trade and Industry Associations
For more than 100 years, the German-Swiss Chamber of Commerce has been the most important institution in all matters of economic relations between the countries of Germany and Switzerland/Liechtenstein and part of the global network of chambers of commerce of Germany (AHKs) and Switzerland (SwissCham). |
Japan Furniture Industry Development Association - JFA Trade and Industry Associations
The Association pursues a wide range of activities aimed at promoting export of Japanese furniture, including surveys of overseas market trends and collection of related publications and materials; dispatch of inspection teams; introduction and promotion of the domestic furniture industry and products in overseas markets; and coordination between Japanese furniture manufacturers and foreign sources of raw materials. To balance its furniture import promotion activities, the Association continues to study and propose export promotion measures for the domestic industry. |
Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry Trade and Industry Associations
KGCCI (Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry) has been fostering economic relations between Germany and Korea since its establishment in 1981. With steady increase in the bilateral trade to over 27.3 billion USD and German investments of more than 10 billion USD in Korea the activities of KGCCI and the demand for professional services have increased accordingly. This is shown by the increasing number of over 500 member companies at present and a bilingual team of over 20 employees. |
National Association of Jewellers - NAJ Trade and Industry Associations
Every NAJ retailer, designer, supplier, manufacturer, valuer and associate abides by the Association's Code of Conduct, based on honesty, integrity and professionalism. Gain peace of mind and confidence by purchasing from a NAJ member. |
National Chamber of Fashion Trade and Industry Associations
Develops the Russian fashion industry, emerging designers and brands. |
Network for Architekture Exchange NAX Trade and Industry Associations
The Network for Architecture Exchange NAX is an initiative of the Federal Chamber of German Architects that has been supporting German planners on their way abroad since 2002 and promotes the brand ‘Architecture made in Germany’ worldwide. NAX relies in this endeavour on the personal commitment of its members, who advocate for Architecture from Germany in the media as well as with politicians and entrepreneurs. |
Oil & Gas Equipment Manufacturers’ Association Trade and Industry Associations
A non-profit organization “Oil & Gas Equipment Manufacturers’ Association” (OGEMA) was
established in 1998 in order to unite manufacturers of oil and gas equipment, protect their
collective interests and effectively promote products and services of its members both on local
and international markets. |
Russian Engineering Union Trade and Industry Associations
27 июля 2007 года Общероссийская общественная организация «Союз машиностроителей России» зарегистрирована Федеральной регистрационной службой Российской Федерации. Основной целью деятельности Союза является формирование стратегии развития отрасли, а также участие в формировании механизмов активной государственной политики по поддержке национального машиностроительного комплекса на уровне ведущих промышленно развитых стран. Союз представляет интересы около трех миллионов трудящихся, занятых в различных сферах машиностроения. В работе Учредительного съезда приняло участие более 300 делегатов из 60 регионов страны. |
Russian Perfumery and Cosmetics Association Trade and Industry Associations
Российская Парфюмерно-Косметическая ассоциация (РПКА) –некоммерческая негосударственная организация образована 28 сентября 1995 г. собранием представителей 23-х компаний, активно действующих в тот момент на косметическом рынке. Официальный статус организация получила 27 мая 1996 г. |
Scottish Motor Trade Association Trade and Industry Associations
The SMTA was formed in 1903 to “encourage, promote and protect” the interest of our, at that time, small band of members. To this day that statement remains our reason to exist. Our job is to look after the interests of all our members whether it’s the largest motor group in the country or whether it’s a small MOT station or even just a one man operation in a remote part of the country. |
Tessili Vari Trade and Industry Associations
TessiliVari è l’associazione che dal 1945 rappresenta numerosi comparti e dell’Industria Tessile italiana. |
The Association for Contract Manufacturing, Packing, Fulfilment & Logistics Trade and Industry Associations
The Association of Interior Designers and Decorators of Russia (АДДИ) Trade and Industry Associations
Ассоциация дизайнеров и декораторов интерьеров существует уже 19 лет и объединяет самых сильных участников интерьерного рынка. Предназначенная изначально только для дизайнеров и декораторов, после ребрендинга, открыла двери и для компаний-поставщиков, а также СМИ интерьерной тематики.
Но цели остались прежними: задавать уровень качества дизайна интерьера в России. Наши информационные ресурсы можно смело использовать, как базу для поиска дизайнеров, декораторов и поставщиков. |
The Association of Plumbing and Heating Contractors Trade and Industry Associations
The Association of Plumbing and Heating Contractors (APHC) is a not-for-profit trade body for the plumbing and heating industry in England and Wales. We have been a plumbers association since 1925 and represent large plumbing and heating companies working on commercial projects, to sole traders working in domestic properties.APHC is a not for profit organisation which means we invest every penny back into the organisation for the direct benefit of our members. |
The Carpet Foundation Trade and Industry Associations
The Carpet Foundation is the UK carpet industry’s lead body. We are supported by most of the leading suppliers to the UK residential carpet market. |
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Trade and Industry Associations
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation is a unique organization that helps to create a favorable business environment and global connections for a wide network of Russian territorial and international chambers. Our goal is to promote the growth of the Russian economy, clear trade barriers and support investment initiatives.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (CCI of Russia) is a non-governmental non-profit organization uniting its members to meet the tasks and objectives set by the Russian Law on Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the Russian Federation and the Chamber’s Charter. |
The Federation of German Industries Trade and Industry Associations
On 19 October 1949 representatives of 32 business associations and working groups founded the Ausschuss für Wirtschaftsfragen der industriellen Verbände / Committee for Economic Issues of the Industrial Associations at the Excelsior Hotel in Cologne. |
The Federation of Master Builders Trade and Industry Associations
The Federation of Master Builders is the largest trade association in the UK construction industry representing the interests of small and medium-sized building companies and lobbying for members at both national and local levels. |
The National Federation of Roofing Contractors Trade and Industry Associations
NFRC is the UK’s largest roofing trade association. With a history spanning over 125 years, NFRC has established itself as the voice of the roofing industry, constantly adapting to change and innovation to ensure its members are at the forefront. |
The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Trade and Industry Associations
RSPP represents the interests of all Russian businesses irrespective of size, sector or regional location of companies. The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs acts in two forms – as a non-governmental organization and all-Russian association of employers, the combination which allows advocate the interests of the RSPP members most effectively given different rights and capabilities of our organizations. |
Turkish Business Council - TBC Trade and Industry Associations
TBC plays an influential role in bilateral trade and investment, through sustaining partnerships and networking. TBC serves as a platform to guide, not only the investors and businessmen to enter the UAE market, but also the existing business bodies to establish new collaborations. For this purpose, TBC organizes events to stimulate fresh insights, new perspectives and also networking opportunities. |
Unicmi Trade and Industry Associations
UNICMI, Unione Nazionale delle Industrie delle Costruzioni Metalliche, dell’Involucro e dei serramenti, attraverso le sue 12 Divisioni rappresenta circa 22.000 aziende, con un fatturato di oltre 7 miliardi di euro.
Unioncamere Lombardia Trade and Industry Associations
L'Unione Regionale delle Camere di Commercio lombarde, Unioncamere Lombardia è la struttura associativa regionale che riunisce e rappresenta le 9 Camere di Commercio della regione |
VDM - Verband der Deutschen Mobelindustrie Trade and Industry Associations
As the leading association, the Association of the German Furniture Industry (VDM) represents the economic, political, legal and technical interests of currently around 500 German furniture manufacturers, who are organized in specialist and regional associations, at national and international level in close exchange with its members, industry-relevant institutions and the European umbrella organization EFIC. |
Verband Beratender Ingenieure Trade and Industry Associations
About 2.000 members employing in their firms more than 40 000 highly skilled consultants and engineers – this is the German Association of Consulting Engineers – VBI (Verband Beratender Ingenieure), one of the leading associations worldwide for consultancy and engineering. |
Zentralverband Elektrotechnik und Elektronikindustrie e.V. Trade and Industry Associations
At ZVEI member companies are the "sovereign". They define the guidelines of the association's activities and vote for the board. They are assisted by ZVEI employees.
Associations such as ZVEI, on the one hand, provide particular impetus to democracy itself by pooling and representing interests. On the other hand, they themselves function by virtue of their internal structure as a model of a successful democratic organization. Co-determination and democracy play a vital role within ZVEI, as well. This means that foremost members decide who is to "put a face" to ZVEI and what he stands for. |
Российско-Германская Внешнеторговая Палата Trade and Industry Associations
Die Deutsch-Russische Auslandshandelskammer (AHK) vertritt die Interessen deutscher Unternehmen in Russland und unterstützt russische Unternehmen in ihrer Zusammenarbeit mit und in Deutschland. |