Lingshuang Kong,Yumei Feng,Shichao Wang Designer Profile
Lingshuang Kong,Yumei Feng,Shichao Wang is the award-winning designer of the EasyMed Mobile Application.
Lingshuang Kong,Yumei Feng,Shichao Wang

Lingshuang Kong is a user experience designer and engineer. With a background in both computer science and design, He believes that design and coding are the tools through which he can bring value to this world. As a designer, He enjoys identifying everyday challenges people face and employing a human-centered design process to help solve these issues, bringing greater convenience to human lives. As an engineer, He possesses expertise in various technology stacks, including Web, mobile, Unity, AR, Backend, and more. He is committed to bridging the gap between creative ideas and technology, using his skills to seamlessly translate concepts into reality. Yumei Feng, a multidisciplinary designer who is dedicated to advancing accessibility and equity in technology, particularly for underrepresented communities. Yumei excels in every stage of the design process, viewing design as an iterative journey supported by thorough research and data analysis. With a goal to integrate human-centered design principles into education, business, and society, Yumei champions the adoption of design thinking in everyday contexts. Eager to push boundaries and disrupt norms, Yumei consistently offers a unique viewpoint and unwavering enthusiasm to all tasks at hand. Shichao Wang brings over 5 years of product design experience, working with both unicorn startups and NGOs. She excels in simplifying complex problems, pioneering initial product development, and transforming business concepts into innovative designs.

EasyMed Mobile Application