Natalia Ottonello Designer Profile
Natalia Ottonello is an award-winning designer with 3 featured award-winning projects.
Natalia Ottonello

Natalia Ottonello is the co-founder and Director of the Design Department at Guevara Ottonello Architects, a multidisciplinary studio specializing in diverse sectors such as hospitality, residential, commercial, and educational design. The studio has been recognized with several international awards in countries including the UK, the United States, France, Italy, and Germany for its innovative approach to architectural design With a Master's degree in Neuroscience Applied to Architectural Design, Natalia is dedicated to creating spaces that enhance well-being. Her work integrates principles of neuroarchitecture to design environments that support both physical and mental health, prioritizing the quality of life of the people who inhabit them. Currently, Natalia is particularly focused on residential architecture. Her projects are designed with a focus on promoting health, integrating neuroarchitectural principles to create environments that reduce stress and support healthier living. In addition to her practice, Natalia’s research explores the impact of architectural design on chronic stress levels. She investigates how spaces that are attuned with human expectations can improve well-being, and how incorporating health-promoting affordances can encourage healthier habits, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for individuals and communities

Promenade Residential Building
Don Majestic Hotel
Otto Uno Residential Building and Social Housing