Amidst the hustle and bustle of the city, urban residents need a peaceful and quiet space to rejuvenate their mind and retreat from the stresses and problems that are associated with their everyday lives. The design concept aims to generate a sequence of free flowing in a small space through the use of different materials, textures, finishings and layering techniques to create a sense of space, depth and fluidity. Such a configuration creates a modern, luxury and stylish look in a small hideout located in one of the most high end residential apartment in Hong Kong.
Benji Li is a design director of Benji Li Interiors Limited, he graduated with a 4-year degree in Interior Design from Royal Melbourne of Institute Technology University RMIT in Australia. Benji’s experience working in the interior design industry in Australia and Hong Kong has given him a different perspective and design philosophy. This enables him to create concepts that are unique to each client. He has worked both in Australia and in Hong Kong and has extensive industry experience. His knowledge of both Western and Asian design philosophies allows for a unique design perspective that underpins the Benji Li Interiors ethos.
Benji Li Interiors creates high end residential and commercial interiors that are known for their urbane, stylish and dazzling aesthetic. Our design is also a balance between traditional and contemporary. We epitomize understated luxury. There is always great attention to detail.