This is a 45 years-old house near park at country's hill. The building transformed an old house to a new lifestyle with pure and simple facade. This house was design for a retirement couple with two daughters. The client asked 3 main goals to fulfilled: (1)simple and safety facade to avoid dangers, (2)special views from rooms to see the view of park, and (3)a warm and comfortable atmosphere.
TienyuWU is an architect and interior Designer in Taiwan. He experienced and researched the methods of BIM in Interactive lab by Taysheng jeng in National Cheng Kung University. Also, he created TYarchistudio and worked on various projects striving to turn on the switch of design possibilities and open the boundaries of creativity in Architecture. He tends to design anything with natural materials, and really caring the details of projects.
Design the space inside of your mind. We are a design company of Architecture, interior design and Business space design. Design the architectural and interior spaces with honesty, sincerity, integrity and dignity for our clients. We tend to Use natural material and non-decoration methods to design the spaces. Creating the buildings and spaces for our design projects and clients.