This musical instrument validates the role of design as a mediator of a productive network, highlighting the partners operate in this field for the first time. The trumpet benefits from aesthetic solutions and innovative techniques. The design solutions are focus on the application of handmade filigree rings and new finger buttons. The surface treatment is done with different layers to adjust the sound and make it warmer. The trumpet has been produced with different processes, from craft field to the industrial one and it presents a clean and an efficient design for any musician.
My specialization is working with a network of companies, creating sustainable and high quality production systems through design. At the academic and research level I have already worked with territorial networks in innovative projects. One case to mention is the tricycle for the city "Raiooo" (published in the magazine Domus). Another case is the Nmettoon wireless kitchen, a self-contained, wireless, unplumbed space that can be assembled in just 3 hours, used for food preparation (this project was published as a scientific article at a European Association for Architectural Education event). This trumpet demonstrates that a business network system create complex products with a high level of aesthetic, functional and performance quality. These projects allow companies to initiate collaboration among them, creating innovation and developing new projects compatible with their potential.
The Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Design (CIAUD) at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon. The main mission of the CIAUD is to promote the advancement of scientific, technological and artistic knowledge in the fields of architecture, urbanism, design and ergonomics, interacting with other disciplinary areas. Objectives • Create a critical body of work and foster interaction between the various scientific areas of the FA/ ULisboa, providing a framework for cutting-edge teaching whilst also contributing towards economic and social development. • Task to help researchers identify sources of funding, produce research proposals and manage fundamental and applied research projects in emerging areas. • Promotes the establishment of partnerships between public and private national and foreign entities such as companies, research centres, laboratories, foundations, state institutions, local authorities and non-governmental organisations, involving research work, training and the dissemination of knowledge in the form of conferences, seminars and exhibitions, amongst other activities. • The CIAUD maintains close links with the FA Master's and PhD courses and post-doctoral studies, providing support for students who are developing research projects. It also provides stimulus for the work of these young researchers by deepening and extending their research fields, both through collective projects and by supervising individual research. (From: