The pond of Rudabánya lies in the artificial basin of the late quarry which suits well for rescue divers to practice thanks to the capabilities of the lake. The artificial intervention transformed the character of the once untouched landscape. However, the altered terrain has gradually been recaptured by nature. The purpose of the planned building is influencing this reversal effect as little as possible. The result is a form that follows the line of the scarp near the lake. In this way the base can conform to the surrounding nature and connect directly to the water at the same time.
Bence N. Krajnyák is a Budapest based feelancer architect and CG artist. He was born in 1995 in Miskolc, Hungary. He graduated at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Architecture with an MSc in Architecture in 2020. Also studied abroad at University of Oulu in Finland to make international experiences and get into architectural design in 2019. He is working in architectural industry since 2017 alongside university studies. He is a development-oriented personality, working on day by day to deepen into architecture and its different parts and peripheries, such as architectural visualization, engineering, landscape architecture, interior design, BIM or paramteric design either through self-educated learning or through professional trainings. He is ambitious and purposeful about gaining more experience abroad in architectural area (university studies in Finland, participated in international competitions including Iceland, Italy, Russia and Czech Republic), obsessed with Nordic architecture. He is Opened to following opportunities and challenges either as a freelancer or as a helpful member of a team.
Budapest based architectural engineering student. He is studying at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics - Faculty of Architecture and University of Oulu - School of Architecture. The project was designed at Budapest University of Technology and Economics - Faculty of Architecture - Department of Industrial and Agricultural Building Design with the guidance of Iván Nagy as the tutor of the student.