Glens Glens Reading Glasses
Glens Reading Glasses is Golden Design Award winner in 2017 - 2018 Jewelry Design Award Category.
Glens Reading Glasses

Glens are prefabricated spare pair of glasses for near sight. They are manufacture from high-quality copolyester and weigh less than 1 gram. Their dimension are 78mm x 21mm x 1mm which is smaller than a credit card size therefore they can be easily carried. They lie well on the nose in almost any position, special pads protect from unpleasant pressure or slipping. Three small knobs on the bridge of the nose assure good grip and provide easy position adjustment.

Glens Reading Glasses
Glens Glens
Glens Reading Glasses
Glens design
Glens design
Glens OÜ

Glens is an Estonian eyewear producer that make prefabricated spare pair of glasses for near sight. They are manufactured from high-quality Copolyester and weigh less than one gram. Their dimensions are less than those of a credit card and therefore they can be carried in a supplied case e.g. inside the card compartment of a wallet. Thanks to the inventive elastic arch design, the frame can fit any nose shape, without squeezing too hard, causing pressure or leaving a mark. They lie well on the nose in almost any position, special pads protect from unpleasant pressure or slipping. Three small knobs on the bridge of the nose assure good grip and provide easy position adjustment. The unisex Glens glasses are available in three dioptric values: +1.5 dpt, +2.0 dpt, and +2.5 dpt. The ideas of glens reading glasses were born out of personal need. Company founder Andrei Astapenko found himself often needing a backup pair of glasses, thanks to this active lifestyle. He wasn't looking for an exact replacement of his day to day pair, just a simple set that he could use at short notice, store in his wallet or even use as a bookmark. Astapenko shared his idea with well-known Estonian wooden glass frame designer Karl Annus, who then sketched the prototype of the product. The partnership resulted in glens reading glasses, a pair of glasses so small that the package is the same size as a credit card, and inexpensive enough that users wouldn't need to stress about breakages.