Margoff aim was always committed to deliver luxury products, stylish design, and functionality. Under cold, wet or windy weather conditions many dogs need more than just their own fur. Tapado Antartico grants extra warmth on winter days, and designed to be ergonomically fit to every dogs' body. Outer cotton fabric, inner synthetic fur, and leather like buttons details on the back enhance its appearance. It achieves maximum comfort and softness. A core attribute of the coat is design for different breeds of dogs. Every fashion and caring conscious pet owner should be grateful to get this coat.
A daughter of family of scientist and artists what enabled her to amalgamate her dreams and skills of a veterinarian and designer. The outcome was to create a successful business team unique in the pets industry.
Margoff, is a brand which was created in 2002, by Mariana Goluboff. She has been a veterinarian doctor since 1990 to 2003. Owing to a strong inclination towards design and aesthetics, she manages to combine the activities of differerent professionals in the creation of clothes and accessories for pets. Divine, comfortable and hip is the idea behind Margoff, haute couture brand for cats and dogs. We turn the pets’ owners into stars from the runway of daily life... Our fabrics and textures are varied, exclusive and cutting-edge. They bear the mark of Mariana Goluboff, tightening the link between pets and their owners.