ZHOU Wenjun BBG-Brand fashion shoes flagship store Fashion Shoes Store
BBG-Brand fashion shoes flagship store Fashion Shoes Store is Bronze Design Award winner in 2015 - 2016 Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award Category.
BBG-Brand fashion shoes flagship store Fashion Shoes Store

A fashion shoes flagship store with 18 years old, asked the 524 studio for an innovative redesign of a state of the art and fashion shopping space to attract customers and effectively alleviate the impact from on-line sellers. they helped to deliver a comprehensive design to completely upgrade the image of this 1000m2 store, including: architectural renovation, overall interior design, product, redesign store brand logo and visual identity system.

BBG-Brand fashion shoes flagship store Fashion Shoes Store
ZHOU Wenjun BBG-Brand fashion shoes flagship store
ZHOU Wenjun Fashion Shoes Store
ZHOU Wenjun design
ZHOU Wenjun design
524 Studio + 524 Architecture

524 STUDIO, Founded by internationally renowned designer: Mr. ZHOU Wenjun, is an integrated design company based in Beijing! An international awards winning Design team. Provide: Spatial design, Architectural design, Visual communication design, Exhibition design, Branding design, Artist book design, Product design and other design service! (