The designer was inspired by a song that is about memories, which were made by loved ones.The inspiration came from these sentences:"That the fire of love in the rain just now died.The rain listened to my secret and shared it with the city"This design illustrates a raindrop with a tree within, and the moment that the raindrop hits the ground.Raindrop is the symbol of movement, the tree is the symbol of life, and the blossoms symbolize hope. One of the points of distinction in this pendant is that it has 360-degree rotation ability.It designed by Matrix Software and printable with 3D printer.
One of my favorite themes is designing of appropriate symbols for positive traditions of countries to keep alive them and share them with others in the world.
Designer has started her activities and educations since 2010 and her professional and independent activities are started in cooperation with some companies for projects and also privately since 2013. Her interest and goal is to share her thinking and feeling with other people in a beutiful and industrial product. ThisĀ idea has been designed to customer's order. The costumer had a emothionally memory from the Chuva song thatĀ is a symbol of love for his.