The building is a sample of contemporary and sustainable architecture. The solar panel on the roof produces the energy needed for total energy consumption by the household. In addition, thanks to the roof style, rain, and snow water accumulated in the storage. The self-contained structure resting on the three bearing bases has a reduced impact on the soil, so allows the soil to enjoy the rain and breathe in. The residents feel themselves living free and naturally in the structure that provided an open and bright space.
MGD Studio is a versatile design firm that engages in a variety of creative projects across different domains. MGD Studio creates innovative, sustainable and eco-friendly architectural projects, interior and furniture designs.
Murat Gedik's architectural career began with him graduating in Architectural Drafting, following which he worked for several reputable architectural firms over 30 years. During his career, he took part in the design process in many architectural offices, which enabled him to develop his design power. Now he works as an architectural designer to bring these experiences to life in his designs. As an award-winning designer, Murat Gedik designs futuristic, environmentally-friendly architectural concepts, automobiles and furniture. The designer has developed concept projects for many plots in Turkey and abroad, as well as participated in various architecture and automobile design competitions and received awards.