It is the perfect modern desk lamp. In addition to the exceptional energy efficiency, the GLIDE features a modular design that ensures a functional range of applications. As such, the width of the lamp can be freely defined via the respective LED tubes at fixed intervals between 1200mm and 3000mm. Due to the functional rotation in the connector, the tubes can independently rotate through 180°. As a consequence, it is possible to adjust between direct and indirect lighting.
We create meeting places which become to long-lived Memory in the visitors head Nico Ueberholz, founder and CEO Ueberholz GmbH COMMUNICATION give the face a living Nico Ueberholz and his creative team are specialists in all areas around the architectural design of communicative venues. This includes both the temporary spaces of exhibition stands and events, as well as shop and exhibition design and the complex issues of museum architecture. All arising there areas to be worked out in detail and implemented by competent own or partner companies in a complex all-round solution. Goods or service presentations, lighting concepts and color and shapes merge with the other relevant areas of communication taking into account the company's philosophy and general brand image into a harmonious whole. Unusual solutions help the core statements of the company and let the respective result at a resounding success revive. From the creative DIALOG for individual SOLUTION for the common SUCCESS At the beginning of each project the Ueberholz GmbH intensive dialogue is to define customer-oriented desires, needs and requirements clear. Current trends and psychological findings are also here with a how visionary digressions into new spheres of conceivable possibility. The resulting customized solution includes an overall concept of the planning preparation to the practical execution of every desired details with individual care. Ueberholz GmbH Office for temporary architecture Vorm Eichholz 2e 42119 Wuppertal Telephone 02 02/280 96 -0 Fax 02 02/280 96-66
The interior light "Glide" is primarily used as a desk lamp and is available in different lighting colours, power stages and lengths (2900 - 6500K, max. 26W, max. 1500mm). Often the "Glide" is used on exhibitions/booths for a special lighting on counters or work tables.