Basquete as the name suggest, is an elegant and extremely comfortable chair inspired by a simple basketball. We were searching for something unusual and original, and then this interesting idea came to our mind. Deforming a basketball could change our perspective as the environment we live. It’s fluid and organic design allow us to seat perfectly, because the key point of this project is comfort.
Mula Preta Design Studio was created in 2012 by designer Andre Gurgel and architect Felipe Bezerra and designer Andre Gurgel , both from Natal-Brazil, when they decided to be partners as they had a lot in common regarding creative ideas. The name was inspired in a song of one of the icons of Northeast Brazil, Luiz Gonzaga, since the main concept is to represent that region. With that in mind, they putted this culture in evidence internationally, participating in exhibitions in Paris and Milan, where they rewarded several awards.