CATINO is born from the desire to give shape to a thought. This collection evokes the poetry of everyday life through simple elements, which reinterpret existing archetypes of our imagination in a contemporary way. It suggests a return to an environment of warmth and solidity, through the use of natural woods, machined from solid and assembled to remain eternal.
Modern technical plants, management and verification systems, customised service for the client, new distribution solutions and a natural instinct for the innovation are the characteristics that have determined Disegno Ceramica's exponential growth in just a few short years. Choosing benchmarking as its inspiration, the company chose from the beginning to compete with the most highly evolved expressions of bath products, to this end using in its project research elements of architecture, interior design, the study of images and multilevel communication. All of these elements are examined under marketing criteria. Each product line serves both as a functional creation and bathroom furnishings, designed to fit a variety of different budgets.