AS Design Um Men's Underwear Store
Um Men's Underwear Store is Golden Design Award winner in 2012 - 2013 Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Category.
Um Men's Underwear Store

Designers Four Lau and Sam Sum based on "MALE TRAITS OF KINGLINESS" as the design concept. The purpose is to highlight the extraordinary metropolis royal demeanor that made him the limelight. Display shows a replica of a streamline future transportation sculpture that appeared in movie, which is operating by a mannequin and demonstrating the men love to gain pleasure over controlling. Also it is hilarious to imagine that it is a huge banana in order to associate with the important part of men; it is the symbol of men wanting to demonstrate power, self confidence, and dignity in front of women.

Um Men's Underwear Store
AS Design Um
AS Design Men's Underwear Store
AS Design design
AS Design design
World First Holdings

With the rapid growth and development of Macau, we are set to operate Adolfo Dominguez, Mulbery, UM, UMix, UM Collezioni, UM Salon in addition to ck Calvin Klein, Calvin Klein Jeans, Calvin Klein Underwear, Trussardi Jeans. As of 2011, we are operating approximately 120 stores in Guangdoug, Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Shanghai, Beijing and Macau in China, with over 1000 employees and covering a total floor area of over 200,000 square feet. Our largest store has an area 30,000 square feet. Throughout the past 20 years, we have shown our ability to overcome global difficulties, having weathered the financial crisis in 1997, the SARS epidemic in 2003 and the financial tsunami between 2008 and 2009, and come out of them even stronger and bigger.