While offering the practical advantages of fully lined curtains (insulation, solar protection, echo dampening, warmth, masking of an ugly view) and a blind (filtering of light) this set is also particularly original, aesthetic and stylish and the combination of different coloured fabrics (pea/light/metallic dark green, navy blue, white, yellow), textures (satin ribbons, linen, net), shapes (small/big diamonds) and surfaces (piping versus flat fabric panels) contributes to the striking effect.
As a freelancer or one-person business in curtain design, I "sign" my creations for individual local clients with an embroidered "Lesley Bee" (registered trademark in France). Why 'Lesley Bee" ? This logo combines the expression "to be a busy bee", my first name, as well as the initial letter of my surname or maiden name "Bloomfield".