Siqi Wang Esync AR Glasses
Esync AR Glasses is Iron Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Wearable Technologies Design Award Category.
Esync AR Glasses

E-sync is a wearable communication aid for people with hearing loss, using AI to analyze speech and emotions. It converts speech content and emotions into text and tactile vibrations for users to understand the speaker’s tone. Users can respond in sign language, which is converted to speech messages through AI. The device’s foldable design is convenient and protective, with an elegant color scheme that blends with daily attire. The accompanying app allows for language processing customization in real-time, enhancing the communication experience for users in social interactions.

Esync AR Glasses
Siqi Wang Esync
Siqi Wang AR Glasses
Siqi Wang design
Siqi Wang design
Siqi Wang

Siqi Wang is an undergraduate student majoring in product design at Tsinghua University, and she, along with some passionate students in the field of accessibility, forms a designer team focused on researching and innovating solutions for the hearing impaired community. They are dedicated to providing smarter, more humane products and services for the hearing impaired through design innovation and technological application. The team deeply understands the needs and challenges of the hearing impaired, continuously exploring and addressing real-world problems through close collaboration with users and in-depth user research. In their past projects, they have designed various solutions including smart auditory aids, communication tools, and accessible environmental designs, bringing convenience and improvements to the lives of the hearing impaired. They constantly strive for design excellence and societal impact, aiming to create a more inclusive and accessible social environment where everyone can enjoy equal opportunities and respect.


E-sync is a brand dedicated to helping the hearing-impaired community better understand and express emotions. Our product is an innovative head-mounted display glasses designed to provide a clearer and richer communication experience for individuals with hearing loss. Combining advanced technology with user-centric design, E-sync glasses offer features such as real-time speech-to-text conversion, emotion recognition, and facial expression cues to assist users in accurately understanding surrounding sounds and emotions. Additionally, our product supports voice input, enabling users to express their thoughts and feelings more conveniently. We are committed to breaking down communication barriers, empowering the hearing-impaired community to engage in seamless and confident communication in various social and work settings. Choose E-sync for a more enjoyable and liberated communication experience.