Zhou Leijing Poly Beat Rhythm Exercises Toy
Poly Beat Rhythm Exercises Toy is Iron Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Toys, Games and Hobby Products Design Award Category.
Poly Beat Rhythm Exercises Toy

This innovative tool provides a fun and interactive approach to music education by exploiting the strong correlation between geometric polygons and rhythm. PolyBeat enhances children's understanding of the relationship between notes and rhythms, enabling them to master complex rhythmic patterns effortlessly. PolyBeat is an invaluable tool for children to learn music theory in an engaging and enjoyable way. It provides children around the world with a new and exciting method to learn and appreciate the universal language of music.

Poly Beat Rhythm Exercises Toy
Zhou Leijing Poly Beat
Zhou Leijing Rhythm Exercises Toy
Zhou Leijing design
Zhou Leijing design
Zhou Leijing

She has studied in the UK, the Netherlands and Singapore for many years. Her research direction is human-computer interaction and intelligent design. She has won more than 10 Red dot design awards, IF design awards etc. and published nearly 10 international journals and papers. She has participated in organizing the world industrial design conference, the world ecological design conference and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization ecological design leading class as the core personnel.

Zhejiang University

Zhejiang University is a public research university based in Hangzhou, China. It is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in China, with a focus on pro-innovation education and vibrant research.