Zhaocheng He Nanhua Kindergarten Graduation Season
Nanhua Kindergarten Graduation Season is Bronze Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award Category.
Nanhua Kindergarten Graduation Season

Through guidance and inspiration, the children drew their own portraits with a paintbrush. Create various materials for the graduation season of Nanhua Kindergarten through careful design and layout of these hand drawn illustrations full of childlike charm for promotion. At the same time, write down the career dreams that belong to the children, and let them depict what they want to become in the future. Each of them is the protagonist of the future. This graduation season has mobilized children's participation and enthusiasm, leaving unforgettable memories for children and parents.

Nanhua Kindergarten Graduation Season
Zhaocheng He Nanhua Kindergarten
Zhaocheng He Graduation Season
Zhaocheng He design
Zhaocheng He design
Zhaocheng He

Zhaocheng He has been serving as the Creative Director of Meida Brand Design since 2014. Provide customers with services such as brand image design, product packaging design, cultural and creative design, and book and magazine design. With over 10 years of design experience, he is adept at exploring brand advantages from the perspective of consumers and exploring more possibilities with innovative design techniques. His design works have won over 80 professional awards both domestically and internationally, providing brand creative design services to over 300 enterprises and institutions.

Nanhua Kindergarten

Nanhua Kindergarten in Chengdu High tech Zone is a public kindergarten located at 1889 Tianfu Fourth Street, High tech Zone. It covers an area of 6154 square meters, with a building area of approximately 5325 square meters and a green area of 1851 square meters. There are currently 15 classes, with 5 classes for each of the major, middle, and primary schools. There are eight game areas and seven functional areas. In December 2022, it was rated as a first-class kindergarten in Chengdu. Kindergarten is characterized by food education, combining seasonal fruits and vegetables with traditional diets of the 24 solar terms, and eating according to the season. Children perceive nature in food education activities, cultivate good table manners, and achieve the goal of nourishing themselves, their character, and their heart with food.