Lisi Cao Camping Today Tent Calendar
Camping Today Tent Calendar is Bronze Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Art and Stationery Supplies Design Award Category.
Camping Today Tent Calendar

Introducing the DIY Camping Tent Calendar, a unique design inspired by outdoor camping. With simple assembly using iron rods and fabric, it brings the camping experience to your home. The tent has a storage compartment for stationery and supplies, and a pocket for calendar cards and work notes. Made with aluminum alloy and sailcloth fabric, the design is practical and durable. Sustainability is emphasized through eco friendly packaging and charming linen prints depicting camping adventures.

Camping Today Tent Calendar
Lisi Cao Camping Today
Lisi Cao Tent Calendar
Lisi Cao design
Lisi Cao design
Lisi Cao

As a product developer and designer, I bring brands to life by designing products that are destined to make their mark on the market. I am an expert in conducting thorough user research, and I leverage data to analyze usability, consumer psychology, and target customer demographics. By combining this data with my own creative vision, I craft products that ignite purchasing power. The products I design consistently perform exceptionally well in the marketplace, generating significant sales. I am passionate about my work, and I adore the process of creating innovative products that are beloved by consumers.

Guangzhou JiYanWuShe Cultural Co., Ltd

Guangzhou JiYanWuShe Cultural Co., Ltd is a startup company composed of a team of designers, operating as a social media platform in China aimed at sharing outstanding creative designs. The company also offers design services to brand enterprise. in addition,we also producing and selling our own unique products.