Semi Opened House is closed from the front and opens to the private forest. The roof is a green terrace, from which you can admire tree tops. The building frames the greenery and the surroundings so that the dream images can be viewed from every perspective. It is a harsh unchangeable monolith, referring to rocks scattered in the region, which is constantly being complemented by the surrounding nature. The pictures around the house change in the rhythm of seasons, weather conditions, day and night cycles. The interiors adopt nature decorations through spacious windows and transform seasonally.
He is the 2020 40u40 Award winner. His idea of balanced architecture is the one that shapes architecture trends in Poland. in his projects he takes into account the climate change and searches for eco solutions to replace old and outdated environmentally harmful ideas.
The Project was prepared for a private client. Investors fled their dream home due to the construction of a railway, which was planned 100m from the place where they lived for years. Searching for a new space was a real escape from the city straight to the forest. The aim of the project was to design a solid and strict house, which will be open to the environment, integrated with the forest and garden, and provide security and shelter. Family 2+3 including parents, two young boys and grandma.