Designers pondered and studied how to make the environment more harmonious with people, make the city more suitable for people to use, make the space more consistent with visual, tactile, auditory and other sensory experiences, and integrate general design concepts to incorporate the urban detail design of everyone can live a happy life into the core content of the design, hoping to realize social value, humanistic value and public welfare value in the project, so that the society will be better because of the design.
"Be Genius Design and Cultural Research (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd." is an institute jointly established by Youkun Design of Shenzhen, School of Design and Arts at Henan University of Technology, and Guanyi Cultural Design Research Center. The company's mission is to propel the advancement of cultural research and design-related fields. Its dedication lies in crafting cultural and creative product designs that resonate with societal needs, thereby pioneering a fresh endeavor in collaborative industry-academia-research initiatives.
A government department of the PRC. To be responsible for policy support for cultural industry and organization and preparation of major industrial activities.