The designer has greatly reduced the tortuous local block setting in the space, and broken the traditional split and spliced layout of indoor space in terms of functional field division and connection relationship. The sense of boundary between blocks are deliberately blurred, forming a continuous moving line effect and giving a more dynamic performance to the transition of free scenes.
Changching Chien National Cheng Kung University Architecture Institute / Design Theory and Method Group (Taiwan) First Class Senior Architect (Taiwan) University Lecturer Certificate (Taiwan) 2017 Taiwan Architecture Award First Prize (Taiwan) With "architectural characteristics", "Space Poetry", "Flowing Space" and "Less is More" are the core concepts of space design. Integrate the needs of users and create a space field of "sense of time" and "sense of life" with "subtractive design". Create a space atmosphere of "modern oriental humanities". Integrate space requirements and design concepts, and present with "beautiful" achievements. Blurring the boundary between indoor and outdoor, extending the sense of indoor space to the outdoors, and guiding the outdoor scene into the interior. Create flowing air, filtered light and comfortable living physical environment.
Founded in Ningbo in 2015, the firm was formerly known as Chien Architects & Associates in Taipei, Taiwan. It continues to participate in public buildings, pays attention to social issues, and concerns about architecture and interior space issues. Its works have been awarded as important buildings awards in Taiwan for many times.