The stylistic device of the photography series is the plastic wrap, which is normally used by a painter. As seen, in that case it creates human or animal figures with wind and it's resistance. Which character is seen, depends on the viewers mind, therefore the title of the project is "open your eyes". Michael Liebert is a photographer who wants the viewers of his pictures to create shapes and figures for themselves. For the photographer the most helping resource is the viewers imagination because it has no limits.
Michael Liebert was born in Vienna, lives and works as a freelance advertising photographer in Lower Austria. Since his childhood, he felt a deep connection to photography and art. In the beginning it was movies and music videos that Liebert liked to be inspired by. In digital photography he has the opportunity to create worlds without visual limits. For him photography is more than his profession – it's his passion. This is confirmed by numerous national and international awards, as well as exhibitions in Austria and abroad.
Michael Liebert was born in Vienna, lives and works as a freelance advertising photographer in Lower Austria. Since his childhood, he felt a deep connection to photography and art. In the beginning it was movies and music videos that Liebert liked to be inspired by. In digital photography he has the opportunity to create worlds without visual limits. For him photography is more than his profession – it's his passion. This is confirmed by numerous national and international awards, as well as exhibitions in Austria and abroad.