Artur Konariev Menu2Go Food Delivery Website
Menu2Go Food Delivery Website is Bronze Design Award winner in 2021 - 2022 Website and Web Design Award Category.
Menu2Go Food Delivery Website

The team created a fast and easy website for ordering food. This is a challenging task as there are established giants of this industry on the market to compete with. The main features that have been designed to make ordering food unique are ease of ordering, reorder button, favorite restaurants at the top of the list, a food tracker: see when the food will be delivered, safe payments: securely pay online via credit card, PayPal and more, a map view, pick up option, filters by reviews, distance, popularity, price, delivery cost, alphabetical, relevance, etc.

Menu2Go Food Delivery Website
Artur Konariev Menu2Go
Artur Konariev Food Delivery Website
Artur Konariev design
Artur Konariev design
Artur Konariev

Artur specializes in design thinking, developing a user-friendly interface and a creative approach. Providing modern content design that helps the customer’s business grow rapidly is a priority for Artur. Whether it is a multinational corporation or a small independent company, he will be glad to work on your business objectives.


The clients' ideas are the base for the Nerdify team to create beautiful and reliable applications for mobile and web environments. The Nerdify is a multidisciplinary team of professionals nerds/geeks who will put all their power and heart to help the client. Nerdify team is based located in the city of Managua in Nicaragua a country just in the middle of America.