Qingfeng Shanghai Qingfeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Dancing Crane Necklace
Dancing Crane Necklace is Golden Design Award winner in 2021 - 2022 Jewelry Design Award Category.
Dancing Crane Necklace

Dancing Crane is a crane shaped jewelry necklace. The designer outlines the curved crane neck with simple lines, which contrasts with the complex lines of the crane's tail and wings. The crane's head is connected to the crane's tail in the design, as if the crane is looking back and combing its feathers. During wearing, the user can use the buckles and components hidden behind the collar to split and group the necklace.

Dancing Crane Necklace
Qingfeng Shanghai Qingfeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Dancing Crane
Qingfeng Shanghai Qingfeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Necklace
Qingfeng Shanghai Qingfeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. design
Qingfeng Shanghai Qingfeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. design
Qingfeng Shanghai Qingfeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

This design is by ChuCui Palace. After several years of brand precipitation, ChuCui Palace brings together the oriental classical charm and western modern style, and at the same time, it is blessed with the exquisite craftsmanship of palace jewelry, which makes it open a new vision of art jewelry that is very rich in ancient and modern times.


After several years of brand precipitation, ChuCui integrates the elegance of the East and the exquisite craftsmanship of the West.New horizons of artistic jewelry are opened. In the world jewelry picture, the richness of oriental jewelry is written.