A dream, a lamp thought during the exploration with concrete sparked by the Concretamente objects' collection. An oxymoron comes to life where a pillow made in concrete cuddles a globe of light, creating a cocoon atmosphere. Concrete as a material in the collective imagination is associated with hard, cold and heavy. MrSmith Studio broke this scheme and subverted the collective imagination, suggesting new interpretations, modeling concrete into a soft, enveloping, light and warm shape.
CONCRETAmente is the new brand of furniture, furnishing and appliances made in concrete. Obtained from the crasis between the two words “concreta” and “mente”, the brand name itself tells a lot about how the products are. “Concreta” is the Italianization of the English word concrete, “mente” in italian is mind, the part of human body most stimulated by the functionality and aesthetics of these products. This brand collects UHPC concrete furnishings and objects, useful and functional with a strong aesthetic personality.