Ruud Winder Woonwaard Rebranding
Woonwaard Rebranding is Golden Design Award winner in 2020 - 2021 Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award Category.
Woonwaard Rebranding

Woonwaard is one of the largest housing corporations in the Netherlands with a large number of social rental homes. Our DNA program showed that the new identity had to be modern, yet serious, and radiate peace and serenity. The identity also had to represent the diversity and inclusiveness of the tenants and the positive aspects of renting. The designers also wanted the organization's passion to shine. The result is a unique colorful identity system, which plays an important role for the diversity and inclusiveness of its tenants.

Woonwaard Rebranding
Ruud Winder Woonwaard
Ruud Winder Rebranding
Ruud Winder design
Ruud Winder design
Ruud Winder

In 1995, Ruud Winder graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam. After graduating, Winder founded design agency GRAS. In a short time GRAS became an Award winning internationally oriented agency making guerrilla marketing, book design, films, websites, apps and (re)brandings. In 2015 Winder developed a unique approach to developing new names and brands. This "Rebrandt® Program" method eventually grew to a rebranding of bureau GRAS to Rebrandt®, with which he build and renovates brands with his team.

REBRANDT® — Dutch Masters in Rebranding

Everyone has a unique character. Nobody is the same. This also applies to brands. Brands also do not fit in boxes or archetypes. Rebrandt enjoys the multi-color and diversity of characters. Why do products and organizations still look so much alike? We don't understand that either. A missed opportunity, because every brand is unique. And afterall, brands are just like human. That's why Rebrandt likes to make the brand landscape more diverse and let the brands shine, each based on its own character mix.