INSPIRATION: I was working with my father in a large office in Dublin, Ireland. Doing odd jobs like painting and power washing. I was an architecture student on summer break at the time, the facilities manager wanted to know my opinion on extending the offices for the influx of new people they were hiring. I offered the idea of a piece of furniture that is contemporary and non obstrusive. That could be placed in the large swathes of unused space in the buildings lobbies without needing to extend.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Designed to solve a very specific problem experienced by offices internationally. When an office needs to hire more people but doesn't have the budget or the space to expand / extend, my meeting pods offer an alternative place to hold private meetings. The sound insulated foam and dome shape aides in creating a private space to discuss business.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: This is a simple piece of furniture that utilizes passive means of sound absorption in it's form and materials to provide private meeting spaces.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project began in May 2015 and was finished in September that year.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: My father is a carpenter of 20 years and with him we built 1:10 and eventually 1:1 prototypes. The size of the pods was determined by how me and my father could move them. They had to be able to fit through a doorway so I designed them symmetrically so that it could be halved and easily moved.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Width 2440mm x Depth 1180mm x Height 2150mm
TAGS: pods, meeting, contemporary, soundproof, seats, office, desks
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: In research I explored many famous examples of wood worked furniture. I was especially interested in furniture designed by architects such as Mies Van Der Rohe's Barcelona Chair.
CHALLENGE: The hardest part was actually building the 1:1 prototype model, even with my fathers help we had to learn how to upholster the seats. There are many design issues that you may over look until you are building it 1:1
ADDED DATE: 2019-07-10 14:57:33
IMAGE CREDITS: Optional Image #3 : Clive Wasson