DESIGN NAME: Dancing Pearls
INSPIRATION: The dancing pearls among the roaring waves of the sea. With their smooth dancing and rolling between the waves amuse all the spectators.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This ring is a combination of gold and pearls with a special design. The pipe diameter has been chosen in a good size which makes the design robust enough to make the model manufacturable.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project started in April 2019 in Gothenburg/Sweden and finished in a week in the same place.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: The ring is designed to be manufactured by gold and pearls.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: 22.53x28.42x6.26 (From the center of the ring size)
TAGS: 3D design, Ring, Gold, Pearl
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: The idea came from the sea and the pearls and I start to implement my idea by Gem Vision Matrix Software.
CHALLENGE: The main challenge was to choose the right diameter for the pipes in order to design a manufacturable ring.
ADDED DATE: 2019-05-19 20:58:04
TEAM MEMBERS (1) : Asal Najafi
IMAGE CREDITS: Image #1: Illustrator Asal Najafi, 2018
Image #2: Illustrator Asal Najafi, 2018
Image #3: Illustrator Asal Najafi, 2018
Image #4: Illustrator Asal Najafi, 2018