DESIGN NAME: Marrs Green
INSPIRATION: How to make beers look more heat-relieving is key to all brewery producers when it comes to packaging design. And the name of the client, Snow Beer, conveys a feeling of ice-cold itself both in English and Chinese. Conclusively, the main idea of the new package is to visualize the ice-cold feeling of the brand Snow Beer and beer-consumption in China.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Snow Beer is a top-ranking brewery brand in China. Through global mergers and acquisitions, and its own solid and rapid development of course, the client is now a focus of attention in Chinese alcohol market. This new design is entrusted to be done to grab the attention of a certain group of consumers, who, with a younger taste and an inclusive attitude of consumption, are actually replacing the last generation.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: This distinguishes the product from the rest of the market. The relations shown by the layout of the images also enhance a freezing feeling, as it is covered by heavy snow. Through all this design, the team succeeded in helping our client to tell a story of what a snowflake can do.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project done within 3 months. The design is finished in Shenzhen, production in Shanghai.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: The brand’s name is embodied on the bottle through illustrating the big symbolic snowflake in convex. For the one series, there are 2 slightly different designs for the products in different materials. For both, a most popular color, Marrs Green, is used as main color while the color of snow is applied to portray the images of snow itself, buildings, forests and animals, which in all shape a cool fresh beer-drinking world where it is ice-cold everywhere.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: The bottle is made out of glass that is coloured with special colour called "Marrs Green". Capacity of the bottle is 455ml for the glass bottle. Diameter 60mm x Height 250mm
TAGS: beer, bottle, marrs green, brewery, high end
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: With such a special colour of the bottle, a serial informal research about the brand's colour has been made. The special Marrs Green, is also claimed to be the top 1 popular color in the world. It is not very easy to find the exact Marrs Green colour as we wanted it to respond our concept of cold and refreshing.
CHALLENGE: We have to achieve in balancing the amount of colour that will be mixed in order to make such a special refreshing colour. A lot of effort has also put on to how could we make a precise colouring rate and how much colouring we need to put in when melting the glass.
ADDED DATE: 2019-02-27 03:20:22
TEAM MEMBERS (3) : DESIGNER TEAM: Tigerpan Packaging Design Team, CHIEF DESIGNER: Tiger Pan and DESIGNER: DONG YAN
IMAGE CREDITS: Tiger Pan, 2019