DESIGN NAME: Small Paper Dancers
INSPIRATION: Small paper dancers was made for an installation art as a part of a local cultural festival in Pangkor island, Malaysia. The art represents freedom. The white stones at the bottom are human beings in societies, and those are tied to the ground and limited the movement while the dancers represent soul and spirituality. Once their wills are opened with their eyes, their souls may start flying and dancing. The small dancers will start dancing in the island sky and melt into various lighting colors.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The dancers were made of paper napkins mostly by the school kids volunteers. More than 2000 dancers were displayed on the 500 white strings placed in every 150mm pitch. The design team applied 20 meter LED lights among the walls to provide visitors the dramatic experience with the different color atmospheres on each time, while those dancers may move with the natural breezes.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: The lighting can be automatically changed depending on the time schedule programs. Also, the windows facing to the ocean may be opened during early morning and late night when the room is more in silence. Visitors may walk and follow to the passage rout, and they are able to see around the whole paper dancers. The natural breezes will help the dancers to dance dramatically.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: 2 weeks to make and set up the dancers / Exhibition: November 25th - December 2nd in 2017 / Location : Pangkor Island, Malaysia.
FITS BEST INTO CATEGORY: Fine Arts and Art Installation Design
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: Materials : pieces of paper napkins, string, stone, phillips hue LED
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Area : 26 sqm, 2100 pieces of paper dancers, paper napkin size : 165 x 250mm, paper dancer size : about 50 x 50 x 100mm
TAGS: Paper dancer, ballerina, art exhibition, Pangkor Island Festival, PIF
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: Kamio visited the island several times to study the physical and cultural environments. The education chances are somehow limited in the island and he realized children need more opportunities to expand their future. The festival can be such an event to have an educational chance for them. The design team tried to present an art which even children can join and make. Tried to find out what materials are best to use for children so that they can make their own art even after the exhibition experience.
CHALLENGE: Through this project, more than 40 volunteers were involved including 20 kids. The most challenging part was the displaying phase. To make dancers move naturally with winds, the team needed to figure out the ideal looseness of the strings and also had to consider how to fix the strings to the floor strong enough. They used white stones and layered double side tapes. Also the team applied the lacquer coating to the paper dancers to increase the hardness and keep them away from the dust damages.
ADDED DATE: 2018-02-28 18:32:02
TEAM MEMBERS (3) : Takuji Kamio, Ray Keida and Tomomi Ban
IMAGE CREDITS: Photo by Takuji Kamio
PATENTS/COPYRIGHTS: Copyrights belong to Takuji Kamio in 2018.