DESIGN NAME: Moonvalley
INSPIRATION: Embedded in the rural environment of Mad, Tokaj-Hegyalja, Hungary, the winery is surrounded by traditional cellars, which reflect the industrial architecture of the past. The hillside is articulated by buttresses. These existing small-scale architectural elements served as main inspiration for the design, which therefore is hiding under a green roof, and is almost invisible from the streets.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The winery has a clear technological order, by which its spaces are organized linearly. The design follows this functional system, while creating a museum-like atmosphere and a transparent interior from the shop to the unique, 2 km long cellar system. Industrial spaces serve as exhibition halls for the high-tech wine making equipment. To focus on the aesthetics of technology and the process of turning grapes into wine, each surface is created as a minimalist background for these objects.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: The whole concept of the building facilitates interaction between visitors and wine production. Transparent glass structures are connecting the shop area to the industrial spaces. Visitors can also join a tour deep in the 2 km long cellar system inside the hill, and at some points they can gain insights to the wine making process without disturbing the workflow.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: 2007-2012. Mad, Tokaj-Hegyalja, Hungary
FITS BEST INTO CATEGORY: Architecture, Building and Structure Design
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: Inspired by the buttresses built of ochre stones that were collected from the hillside, local stone is used on the outer walls. To distinguish new and old structures, a lighter, whitish shade was chosen. Inside the industrial area, homogenous surfaces appear, with luminous ceiling and skylight elements marking out and framing each functional unit.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: The winery connects the surface of hillside with the 2 km long cellar system. The new building has two floors, mostly underground, with 1200 square meters of floor area altogether.
TAGS: winery, Tokaj, architecture, industrial, vineyard
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: During the conceptual design process, a great amount of data about the intellectual, architectural and industrial heritage of the area were collected. Investigating the microclimate, terrain and morphology of the hillside resulted in a building connecting local features and high-tech design through its form and structures.
CHALLENGE: The design is an attempt to give new perspective to technology by the combination of tradition with high-tech elements and resulting in a museum-like design. The intention to display the set of procedural devices as exhibition items was a challenge on architectural and operational side as well.
ADDED DATE: 2018-02-28 08:53:18
TEAM MEMBERS (8) : Designer: Péter Bordás, Architect: Róbert Benke, Architect: Annamária Holovits , Architect: Tamás Mezey, Architect: Ildikó Pém , Architect: Júlia Szendrői , Architect: Tamás Tolvaj and Architect: Kata Zih
IMAGE CREDITS: Image #1: Photographer György Palkó, Moonvalley Winery, 2018.
Image #2: Photographer György Palkó, Moonvalley Winery, 2018.
Image #3: Photographer György Palkó, Moonvalley Winery, 2018.
Image #4: Photographer Tamás Bujnovszky, Moonvalley Winery, 2012.
Image #5: Photographer Tamás Bujnovszky, Moonvalley Winery, 2012.
PATENTS/COPYRIGHTS: Copyrights belong to BORD Architectrural Studio, 2012.