INSPIRATION: Twenty years ago, Parov Stelar designed his first couch and somehow the logical conclusion was to design furniture one day. He found it great to take a vacation from Parov Stelar and develop something organic together with his wife. We wanted to integrate light into the table and found out that this combination actually didn’t exist yet. Through its integration it seems as if the table top was floating.
The art of Stelarbloom reaches beyond the borders of genre. Like a hunter in a fluidly changing terrain, routine and expectation is obsolete. The Prey - The Work.
Stelarbloom stands for clarity and lively design; identification through expression, putting function invariably on the same level as design. Projects for Lady Gaga, Lana del Rey, Frauscher boats, Pro-Ject Audio, and others have perfectly emphasized the agility of this designer couple.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: Plain and clear in its form, solid in its completion, light in its appearance: Voltaire. The indirect lighting forms the connection between the table’s individual components. Therefore the heavy table top, made of natural wood, seems to be floating above both foot frames inducing a light and lifted impression.
The table isn’t only a table, but also a lighting sculpture inside the room.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The joint project between Stelarbloom and Trapa started in November 2016 on Mallorca and was presented at the Home Depot exhibition, at Semperdepot Vienna, in Autumn 2017. The collection’s highlight forms the Voltaire table “Artedition“. This table was hand-painted by the artists Stelarbloom. The idea behind it was to move art from the vertical to the horizontal position and thereby making it come alive. There’s no longer any distance towards the painting. One integrates art into the centre of life. After its presentation this special table went on national and international journey between the renowned showrooms of our distributors.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: It is of utmost importance for us to grant our wood the time it needs to develop outstanding characteristics. That means, we initially air-dry our wood slowly for two years, then we kiln-dry it gently towards the ideal wood moisture before we finally manufacture it. We refrain from using pigments, stains or any other harmful substances for the colouration of our wood. Instead we make use of the wood-inherent ingredients to create our colours in a thermal pressure process. With the help of pressure and warmth the wood-inherent sugar caramelises and creates wonderful earth-, cocoa- and caramel tints. The same process takes place when you caramelise sugar in a pan. It turns brown, as does the sugar within the wood. The process is completely gentle, natural and permanent. We don’t use any varnishes to avoid a dividing layer and suffocation of the wood. And there would be still a lot more to tell about it. Nature and its resources are highly important to us. Therefore we treat it with greatest respect and work sustainably.
We use exclusively PEFC-certified wood from sustainably managed forests. Voltaire furniture is manufactured from PEFC-certified wood, bronzed steel and equipped with indirect, dimmable LED lighting.
Designed with AutoCAD and visualised as a 3D model with 3ds Max.
From AutoCAD transferred to the CNC machine.
Programmed, shaped, sanded on CNC and thereafter surface finished.
Finally the individual elements are assembled and glued by hand. Accordingly, the make span of a table is one week.
The designer couple Parov Stelar and Lilja Bloom have already realised multiple projects for Lady Gaga, Lana del Rey, Frauscher-Boote or Pro-Ject. Now, the artist duo Stelarbloom entered into furniture design and developed a distinct furniture line named Voltaire for Trapa. The first product is an exquisite, very elegant design table. Here, art meets handicraft and culminates in a linear, solid, though light appearance of a 3 metre long and 180 kilogrammes heavy table made of French oak and seating 10 people. Innovatively, the table also serves as a lighting element.
2500 mm x 1000 mm x 750 mm
2900 mm x 1000 mm x 750 mm
TAGS: Stelarbloom, Voltaire, Trapa, furniture, table, solid wood
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: Internet research, tables, lightenings, technologies
CHALLENGE: The challenge was to find the right invisible connection between the table legs and the tabletop so that the tabletop appears suspended. Also the LED lightening was an important element to get a more suspended effect.
ADDED DATE: 2018-01-23 16:16:23
TEAM MEMBERS (2) : Marcus Füreder (Parov Stelar) and Barbara Füreder (Lilja Bloom)
IMAGE CREDITS: Image #1 : Gerd Kressl, Voltaire, 2017
Image #2 : Gerd Kressl, Voltaire, 2017
Image #3 : Gerd Kressl, Voltaire, 2017
Image #4 : Gerd Kressl, Voltaire, 2017
Image #5 : Gerd Kressl, Voltaire, 2017
Profile image: Jan Kohlrusch
Video credits: Marcus Füreder, 2017