DESIGN NAME: Jan Animals
INSPIRATION: the inspiration comes from the different characters from animals and cartoons and it comes trying to think as a kid, what we would like to have in my classroom when we were kids?
The collection was named Jan because it means Kid in the Catalan language (Spain)
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Jan Animals is a furniture kids collection made of Plastic, where the primary function has to be fit to the children's ergonomics. The collection seeks the complicity between the child and the object, making it more than a simple chair. Inspired by the shapes of different animals that give the collection its own personality. Simple shapes create characters easily identifiable by children but leaving the child who completes the animal in their imagination.
All this is done with the real regulations on ergonomics and safety, making the collection fits in all kind of places
The collection consists of 3 chairs with 3 different shapes and a table that integrates a pencil pot and a surface where the kid can draw on it, the surface can be erased easily thanks to the laminate surface.
The chairs and the table are stackable, improving the storage and having a low impact on the transportation
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: The idea behind Jan Animals collection is to interact with the user and to feed the kids imagination. the animals shapes want to create a bond between the children and the object.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: This project was made during 2016 and 2017 in Barcelona Spain, for our client RESOL under his label "Barcelona Dd" and the product presentation was in Spoga Fair, Cologne in September 2017
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: The collection is made in plastic Injection, in polypropylene, that could be reciclabe. All the 3 shapes in the chair was made from a single mold, saving cost of production and material.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: The chair and table from Jan Animals are made in 2 sizes T1 for kids from 3 to 5 years and T2 for Kids between 5-7, and both dimensions meet the ergonomics regulations needed for this kind of product
TAGS: Animals, kids, furniture, colorful, playground, children, shapes, animals, chair, jan
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: To achieve the request made to us by Resol to design a new Kids furniture collection, we were searching the actual tendencies on children, like movies, toys, cartoons...etc, and we tried to conceive a collection that was not only a chair but an object that could interact with the child. For us, the animal shapes was a really good way to follow, because of the bond the kids use to have with animals, in real life and also in movies, toys and cartoons.
We work in different shapes but always thinking that they have to be understandable by all kind of cultures, that's why we decide to make the shapes really simple, letting the user complete in their mind what kind of animal has to be.
Once we had the primary idea about making some kind of animal shapes, the most difficult part was to get a shape that can pass the regulations on ergonomics and safety needed to get a chair and a table able to get into schools and kids environments. we had to try different design to get a balance between the general proportions, the animal shapes, and the ergonomics.
CHALLENGE: The most difficult part of the project was to achieve the strict regulations about ergonomics and safety in this project, this project is meant to be used by Kids, and this is a real challenge in terms of safety and durability
ADDED DATE: 2017-09-20 08:53:09
TEAM MEMBERS (2) : David Carrasco Barceló and Carrasco Barceló design studio
IMAGE CREDITS: David Carrasco Barcelo, 2017.